[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, March 24, 2005

hwachong thus far

Now now, it's been two days at hwachong. What's my opinion of it? I think it's worlds apart from raffles, to say the least. Both colleges are academically strong in their own rights, each year churning out truckloads and truckloads of students with stellar results, but the fact still remains that hwachong will never be the same as raffles.

Hwachong, on the whole, gives off a different vibe from raffles. You can feel the warmth of the school just upon entering the canteen. It did help that my ex-classmates were there to "welcome" the new kids on the block, especially those from raffles. But I recall feeling really good in hwachong - comfortable and "at home". I must admit that raffles is waayyyy larger than hwachong in terms of land size per se, although hwachong trumps with the fact that it has done a fantastic job in landscaping and making sure that the place retains some "life" and diversity in colour. At raffles, it's just green, white and well...green! (except for the orange walls surrounding the lift which do add some colour to the school...but still!) Hwachong's definitely nicer on the whole.

That being that, I couldn't help comparing the lecture theatres at raffles and at hwachong! =( I was so used to having a colossal lecture theatre at raffles that when I entered LT1 and LT2, I was going, "This is it??". Lol! Abel and I confessed that the LT it smaller - much smaller. But to do some justice to the school, raffles in spanking new but hwachong has been around for donkey years.

For the duration of the past few days, we've been preoccupied with briefings after briefings. Bah. So Abel, Yunmin and I decided to "pon" (skip) the last briefing on student welfare matters *rolls eyes*. Hehehe...We hope there were at least some people left! Hahaha...

I can't yet judge whether I've made a right decision in coming to hwachong, but it has felt good. Really good, in fact, to be able to be a hwachongian. Corny name, but it a lot goes to being one.

That aside, the gastric flu has been wracking me for the past few days. I've hardly any appetite to begin with and I can't eat a lot at one go. The other day before baptism classes, I only managed to finish my soup and nibble at the *seemingly* large croissant. Darn! And it's only once in a blue moon that I get to eat at Delifrance without feeling guilty about having burnt a hole in my pocket! Lois, you rock! =))

Good Friday's tomorrow. It's an important day because it marks the crucifixion of Jesus. For the first time, I'll be joining the English Prebytery of Singapore at Westin Stamford for a combined service! That'll be wonderful! Hahaha...can't wait for it. =)

Have a jolly holiday! God bless. =D


At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah glad that its been great for u over at hc. huh hc's buildings actually quite cheena leh.. but earth colours(yay!common fave!) should be warmer than white and green. havent been to rj's campus, but u made it sound like hospital.
haha -.- nj's orientation was great today. love my og. hope u'll have equal fun at hc tooo. just across da bridge!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger yingx said...

hey sean! nice to see you in school:) im trying to see hwachong in a different light too. yep, there are definitely nice aspects here for example, being in a great class with a great ct! yah but i wasn't that lucky in a sense. there are classes which are like that so good luck!:))))

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

heya..looks like u made a right choice transferring to hc...
tink i made the rite choice to go to nj toO;)

At 5:41 PM, Blogger kooku_gal said...

think hwa chong should be great! thats what the rest told me anyway..hah.. im now in nj, so see you sometimes ya :) suwai was saying aomething about hc and nj people going out for lunch

At 7:05 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

hey norrraaaa. yesss! hwachong and nj peeps should go out for lunch together! Most of the 4C people are in these two schools anyway. =))

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..i felt the same as u did when i first got into hc...
welcomed by it,
but still a bit hesitant to accept it, always thinking that somehow it will never be what RJ is (the stellar everything).

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Terry Finley said...

Interesting blog. Thank you.

I invite you to come over and study baptism and the Holy Spirit with me.


Terry Finley


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