hyped up!
Yes! My new laptop's arrived!! Grooooovy baby.

Haven't yet set it up, 'cause I don't know how to, considering how dumbass I am with computers...so I've gotta wait for my Dad to come back from the States which is God knows when!
woah.. good lah. now u've got an ipod mini AND a lappy. lucky duck. haha..
i like coming to ur blog man. cos of the brownish background and fonts. earth colours rock! did u get it from blogskin? i found mine when i searched under "brown", but didnt see urs. and u have no credits to link to. haha...
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wow..u got ipod?hahax..heyx..in the same sch as me=)good good..cya in sch..anw ur laptop so cool..
=P god bless u
coz i know first hand that dell has sucky aftersales service.
cool model though.
i have to wait forever to get my laptop... my mum thinks that she will buy it soon, but then considering that she has been thinking that for 2 years, ... i'll just remain hopeful, though not optimisitc...
hope u r settling well in HC. see ya on MOn! think they should have the CT groupings out by then......
Heyz... nice new blog! Lolx
heloo! Can see you are getting quite high tech arh.. ipod mini plus lap top... It was really nice to meet up. maybe we should do that more often. Hope you are enjoying yourself there k..i think you will lah with abel and yun min and many others to accompany you..
Hello,my dear friend,i'm sorry for taking so long to note you,that's because i was in the campagne,staying there was for just the holydays les vacances de Paques...joyeuses Paques , et je vais noter tous les autres ici,bon, je suis content pour toi que t'es accomodé d'une facon ou d'une autre dans ton nouveau college,c'est super,j'imagine quand tu fus entré au cafiteria ton coeur dans ta main,ah mais encore j'imagine le sourire quand tu fus receulli par des anciens amis.en plus j'ai beaucoup aimé le film,t'as raison que c'est tout plein de sens,surtout lorsqu'il tomba ,et jesus vint une deuxieme fois.ah,,et c'est genial que tu as participé a une ceremonie speciale,chez les protestants,moi j'etais chez les catholiques parce que la campagne est totalement catholique et y a pas d'eglise protestante si proche,,,felicitations avec le new portable,il est bien joli.bonne chance avec ton college , et Adieu..et excuse moi pour tarder...Bye :D ...
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