[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Monday, May 16, 2005

Teeny weeny castles?

Yaaaaay. Had a lot of fun at french class today trying to build cardboard castles from templates. LOL! I took some pictures using my lousy phone camera and I'll try to find some time to upload them from my phone to my laptop. If I can only find the infra-red port. Hm...But it's uberrrr funny how pathetic our windows looked. Hahaha...

I managed to survive another onslaught of bio practicals. Uh huh. Go me! I spent eons trying to draw that silly table though...'cause I just couldn't seem to fit my values into the width of the paper. I forgot to use the silly syringe to top up my measuring cylinder!! Arrrrgh. And to think I reminded my friends to use everything they see in the basket. *gags* Talk about that!

Yesterday, there was an article about the restrictions on blogging...like flaming the government and trying to diss someone online. Ha. Thank goodness I'm not that dumb to do that! Hehehe. I agree that if reasons are justified, it should be ok, but the fact that some people posting rude remarks about minority races *cough* scholars*cough* is just plain unacceptable. Gee. People appall me at times.

It feels good to have Christian friends in class whom I can count on to help guard my tongue against spouting all sorts of vulgarities. Sure I'm not your typical gangster on the street with a cigarette in one hand and gesturing rudely with the other. But I do use the "s***" word rather often. Bah. I seriously should stop using it. And when was the last time I didn't use the words "wah lau"? Arrrrrgh. I'm quite sure that didn't come back until I entered rv. lol.

I'll be changing spectacles soon! yippeeeeee.


At 4:09 PM, Blogger BenJ said...

my blog veh ugly meh? the previous layout is so common!

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sean,i guess they are free to say what they want,everybody is free.Ce qui distingue le chretien d'une autre personne,est qu'il ait la,patience et la sagesse pour ne pas repondre a ces vulgarités comme tu les a appelées.Bien sur c'est magnifique d;avoir des amis chretiens dans la classe,au moins tu trouves quelqu'un qui te comprend a une base quotidienne.Et comme jesus dit que si quelqu'un te giffle sur une joue tourne lui la deuxieme joue c'est la chretienteté en fait.Et le mot s''' j'ai pas compris ce mot.Et ne t'en fait pas un jour arrivera ou la minorité devienne une majorité lol...take care , et bye..

At 12:02 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

ryn: i suppose getting into the habit of doing my QT everyday is going to be rather hard=(


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