[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, May 20, 2005

chase me*

Yeeeeah. Corinne May totally rocks! I love that song! I'm gonna get her CD soon...by hook or by crook! hehehe.

Today has been an exhausting day. Started off well with maths tutorial. For the first time, I felt good doing maths 'cause I actually can still remember the cosine formula!! And I can do question 11 of the tutorial! Wow. I really loathe maths sometimes. But there's no denying that once you solve the problem, you actually feel quite good about yourself. Yeeeeah. Therapeutic maths - how about that! =DD

I managed to squeeze myself into the Biology Olympiad training team! Yippee. The study notes are horrifyingly thick. Just imagine - it costs a whooping $11.30. That's like 4 times more than all the genetics notes combined! *faints* And there'll be further selections...so I'll have to do mug biology for the block tests and make sure I get at least a C for biology! hahahaha.

GP lesson today was fruitful, even though it was only a period long. yay. I love GP sometimes 'cause it makes me think about things around me...and it sure does make one feel really intellectual. Hahaha. It's thought stimulating though.

Good ol' choir practice at the end of the day. Ahhh. I love the choir people. They make the practice so much fun! And we finally get to learn the song "Sleep". It's an awfully beautiful piece and I just love it to bits. The harmony for the basses is frightfully difficult but I think when we actually piece it together, it'll sound really good. Quite sad that the year ones don't get to learn "Amore" though. It's such a wonderful song!!! The last time I heard the seniors sing it, I was extremely captivated by the song. Just sat there absorbing the music...ahh.

*plug for concert*28th May, 12 bucks at the Victoria Concert Hall. =)) Please please please come!! The programme's really interesting!!

I sound awfully desperate! Bah. Good reason though. I haven't managed to sell a single ticket. Time to do my part for the choir. So PLEASE COME!! hehehe.


At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's a rule ,when you love biology you must depise math,i guess all the people i know can't stand both , and i'm one of them,i love biology and hate math,but you're right when we manage to solve a problem in math, we feel good about ourselves , but in my case it's rare lol...So music is really the food of life..i wish i had a nice voice,but i doesn't forbid me from hearing and tasting good music...Take care , and adios...

At 1:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahah u guys are singing "sleep" !! =D today i saw the bin nam ma score and almost fainted, lol.. =p

yep jiayouuuu for the concert! will try to go..



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