[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, September 21, 2006

reprieve. almost.

So, the period of trials and tribulation (a.k.a. the Prelims) is finally over! Well almost, there are still the S papers, but they don't really count 'cause there's not really a need to study for them, although I'm going to work my ass off doing the tys for maths S. Just really worried for that one. At least I can crap explanations for chem! But maths. Oh maths. I'll be praying that I can do at least 5 questions out of the 13. Please please please. Just 5!!!

I just woke up from a 11.5 hours sleep. That's how deprived of sleep I am. I usually wake up at 9am if I don't have a paper on that day and sleep at about 12am to 1am, depending on how interesting my bedtime book is on that day. And how well I can focus! Some days I can hardly get past a page of the book without having to re-read it again for I hardly understood a thing.

And guess what? I dreamed in french again!! Like how weird is that? I was in this bookshop and we were supposed to count these books on a shelf for some sort of a game a la Amazing Race. And I still remember that is was 152! Cent cinquante deux! Yeah. And we were given this trivia of sorts that when you combine the sound of various traditional instruments together, via some sort of esoteric harmonic influence, you get the sound of the violin. AND I remember he was scribbling something like sound waves on the whiteboard. AND AND AND he looked like a mix between Mr Dremaux (my ex-french teacher) and the guy from Art Factory. You know. That guy who draws really well and can make large pictures on a green field using items like cloth, sand and whatnot.

Hm. I love the prelim period 'cause I have so much time on my hand and I get to play the piano uber often! Yes. Haha. I've been re-working some of my Mozart sonatas and of course, some of the pieces that play often just for fun. I'm really excited about getting the Sonata in A by Grieg right because it's so "showy" and it's really just a very poignant example of a piece from the Romantic period. Lots of chords, heavy sound, flowing "cantabile" melodies" - yep. Perfect.

Post a bid on ebay for Monster Hunter Freedom. A guy needs his games, you know. I think I'm going to sell my Lord of Rings Tactics game. It's just hopelessly boring and difficult. That should teach me a lesson or two about fulfilling the stupid moral obligation I get everytime see a game with the word "tactics" in it. Yay. Can't wait for other games like Power Stone and FF7: Crisis Core to be released.

And click here to see more pictures of the latest games in Japan! This guy is French and he's been living in Japan for about 3 years now. Total games geek. But the pictures are uber cool. Especially the article about FF2 on the DS lite. And the DS lite with the FF2 characters' effigies. Amazing.

The Japanese really know their games.


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