[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Monday, August 14, 2006

"we warmly invite you to..."

It's been a good month since I've written here and hell, I just feel like I need to release all that pent up thoughts over the past month. It hasn't been easy, what with all the rushed tutorials (bio!) and NAPFA worries.

Let's take it one at a time.

Hm. I passed NAPFA! Yes, I know, that is like a divine right of impossibly fit people in sports CCAs but for me, I struggle every year with this mid-year crisis. And this year, the trouble spots happened to be the Standing Bleeding Broad Jump and surprisingly, the run. I've never really had much trouble with my run ever since sec one but the SBJ...that one goes back a long way. And it's going to haunt me all the way till my National Service is over. So I'm just going to hop more. And hop further, damn it.

11 people in my class, including yours truly, were "invited" out of class to complete our bio(!) tutorial. 5 essay questions in about 45 min. Ok, given she didn't expect us to complete all 5 in 45 minutes, but it was a pain, seriously. Especially what with this being my second time. The first time, I really just clean forgotten the wrong assignment, on the wrong day. She usually doesn't get so mad as to throw people out, even if you don't complete your tutorial or come without your tys, but that day, let's just say she woke up feeling a little grumpier than normal. And she came up with that particular worksheet herself, so I forgive her for that "how could you not have done my work" outburst which eventually led to the Great Exodus to the library.

BUT TODAY, I don't think I deserved to be thrown out of class! I completed 3 essay questions, which is seriously more than what she can go through in an hour, much less 40 minutes. And she had to demand that we complete 5 questions. That's why bio is scary. It's like a Russian roulette...and I'm not sure whether I'm really ready to take a gamble every single tutorial. Well, most of my friends don't anyway. We complete her work. Then you have Tutorial Overkill - 204 marks worth of essays and you seriously think to yourself, she really expects us to finish all of that in one weekend?

Ok. 5 minutes of ranting up. Zip.



Got invited to several other scholarship talks, like SAFOS, which I don't think I qualify for considering my scant regard to completing my 2.4km run in under ten minutes, and also the PSC scholarship. Alright, I do need the scholarship, but I don't think I'm exactly really hard up for one. Going overseas to study would be a wonderful oppurtunity, but at the end of the day, that's not half of the contract between you and the scholarship body. It's about choosing a career and not whether you can run along to your fancy, big-name university to rattle off in Philosophy, Economics, Mathematics (oh horrors.) or what have you. I think I need to give more thought to that. 6 bleeding years is a long time - and all it takes is one wrong step.

Just taking my time with that.


Piano has been coming along well. I can feel my Mozart sonata improving! Yay! It's more than just playing the notes, it's about the control, the touch, the whole simplicity in the playing that can only be achieved after rigorous practice. Just darn the fact that I have hardly any time to play the piano nowadays, except during the weekends to amuse myself. And to take a break from biology. (Now, we wonder why!)


School has been good. I met up with my church friends and my immersion programme friends and we had a good time playing A**hole Daidee and also, talking endlessly at Black Canyon Coffee. Oh yes. Good times. I just wish I could spend more time with my buddy, who's so unfortunately trapped in RJ. We made a pact that if I get into NUS medicine (oh dear Lord, PLEASE!!) and if she gets into Law, then we'll both go to NUS together and have a frolicking time. Afterall, I left RJ after three months and she had to enter RJ after 3 months. Most unfortunate timing.


Resolution : To read more after the A levels. And to read just a weeeee bit after the prelims. I need to tickle my brain a little. Figuratively speaking, of course.


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