[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Au revoir, for now.

It's always sad when a friend has to leave for another place...and almost permanently at that. Cheryl left for Canada yesterday and some of my french classmates and I decided to send her off at the airport. Tears aside, I suppose it makes me terribly envious that they are able to just uproot (yes, up-friggin'-root everything.) and move to another place, presumably better than what there is here. She's got plans, that girl. Going to study in a college there and participating in yet another exchange programme with French students. We sorta agreed that we were going to meet each other in France in 4 years time, but we all know how those "agreements" usually turn out to be nothing more than empty promises which only serve to temporarily stave off the bitter aftertaste of a goodbye.


Yvonne came yesterday too and my oh my, is she looking upbeat and so much better since the last time I saw her during french class. No more untucked RJ blouse, no more unkempt hair...uh uh. She looks just so...refreshed. Must be because of the fact that she just passed the DELF C2 exam1 and is now applying to Universite de Sciences-Po, the top university in France and had a letter written by the French Embassy about how she should be allowed to skip the entrance exam and a guy who will help get her to France even if she isn't accepted by Sciences-Po...I mean, is that going smoothly or what? She is now my idol for now and after speaking to her, I think I'm more determined to go to France to study, if only for the challenge and the rare oppurtunity to advance my french further. Now, everything just depends on the prelims and the As.


My iPod mini's working again...somewhat. It's not totally functional yet, but at least I got it to turn on and I can do absolutely banal stuff with it like turn it to disk mode and run diagnostics with it. Hardly much fun. I spent a total of two hours trying to repair it using the help pages on Apple but alas, iPod's stubborn and won't listen to my bidding. Crap.


I hate the idea of teachers guilt-tripping us when we don't do our work, although I know most of the guilt-tripping actually comes from me. My conscience just goes a-bleeping when I know I haven't done my tutorials and it just ain't too smart if your teacher happens to be one of those time bombs, waiting to explode in your face when you least expect it...


Hasta la vista, baby.

Right. Lesson learnt : complete all the bleeding tutorials on time to avoid their wrath. Yes.

1 "Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations."


At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

les adieux mon ami sont justes tres difficiles, et tu as raison dans le fait qu'on se fait des promesses pour reduire l'impacte de l'adieu, mais en vain, ces promesses rarement que se realisent malheureusement... Ben, moi aussi j'aimerai quitter et etudier ailleur, mais si ca va se passer, et ( je crois que j'ai fait un pas en avant quand j'ai choisi le domaine de l'uni en Environement , parce qu'ici c'est rien encore, y a pas pratiquement de travail pour l'etudiant de l'environement )ca serait en montreal canada. En france, je sens que ca demande bcp, et je prefere la liberté canadienne :D... et je me demande pourquoi tu ne peux pas augmenter tes capacités francophone !? ne pourrais tu plus prendre des cours de français?sinon, tu pourrais les prendre en france, si tu veux... ben, mon ami, j'espere que tes reves se realisent une fois que tu le veules ....prens soin ....


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