[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


tired of school already. It's so ironic. Hwachong really has a lot of things to offer...And I really like after school activities like choir. Just that...the amount of work that has to be completed is just breathtaking. I really wish I could just collapse sometimes...Darn.


At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! i know weilun! he was from my second OG and is a good friend of my classmate. small world. my class has an inordinate no. of RV ppl somehow. do you know... rachel seah, kong (yen lin), isabel phua, jingzhi and liang weiling? they're ALL in my class heehee.
Zi Jie.

At 12:46 AM, Blogger Wen said...

lol im struggling with bio lor. sian. shldnt hav taken bio.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...i feel the same as u too...
i always behind time for all my hw.
at least u r more motivated than me. i still have the january hw to clear.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lollerssss..lol at the first tag. looks like aj's almost as rvians infested as nj.

ashamed to say, but til now i still dont feel any stress. tutorials and such... take things easy. do what's enough, listen during lessons.. think it should be enough.

jiayouuuu! =)

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds so much like njc lolx..I'm alwyays so tired after school and have trouble keeping up with the work x_x so tempted to drop everything for a day and just slack, but even the weekends are kinda filled with hw and activities (extra ones that is)...jia you ^^ drop me a line sometime ^^


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