[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, April 01, 2006


The choir tried something new yesterday at practice and it reminded me very much of my RV days. We learnt a song in solfege...well, more or less! Teaching the people who had little theory background was the hardest bit, but they caught on really fast. As much as it was helpful to them, I think it was also quite limited since we had little time and Edmund and I had to sing out the wrong bits to them. The leading notes and the subdominant notes were the worst! But every chorister makes those mistakes, so it's alright. Still! The whole feeling of learning a song so quickly thanks to solfege and combining it was very gratifying.

You know how chords that are perfectly in tune sort of have that extra "ring" to them? I think I'm hearing more of those now than before. It's amazing how the human ear is attuned to fifths and octaves, isn't it? How we're able to perfectly pitch fifths and octaves while intervals like 7ths (!!) and augmented intervals are much harder to get straight away. I wonder why. Do we even hear 5ths more often than other intervals?

I think I'm going to buy two CDs soon! I haven't decided which ones to buy...although the latest Carrie Underwood CD comes close to making the cut. I'm not going to buy the Jason Mraz songs now that I've gotten the songs from Nicole. Ha.


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