[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Lost in the flurry.

Have you ever wondered how much of an impact the people around you actually have on you?

This question hasn't just popped up in one of those random lame-ass personality quizzes in my life but I've also always asked myself that. I guess I consider myself fortunate to be surrounded by so many inspiring people. For me, the people around me constantly inspire me to change into someone I really want to be.

Had this conversation with Elin the other day over lunch at Holland Village and though it didn't really make for good "over the table" sort of talk 'cause it was so heavy and so much was said that really didn't have to be said at that time...she left me with quite a bit to think about.

I'm very different from who I was in secondary school, I'd like to think. I'm surer of who I am - not just in terms of what I like or dislike...but who I represent, both to other people and to myself. I'm more comfortable in my own skin. Which just brings me to another episode of Grey's Anatomy...we'll just leave that for another day.

Part of who I am today can really be attributed to the people around me. I'm motivated to become a better pianist/violinist/accompanist by elin, mingtse and sam...I'm motivated to become a better Christian by the many people in church...I'm motivated to appreciate life a lot more by my fellow friends still mired in the army. Guess that's good I suppose since self-improvement is one thing I realised that mattered to me since my JC days.

Just a random splutter after a long hiatus. I realised I write mostly in spurts of ten entries or so for a week then I take a freakin' extended break before I update again. Haha.

More to come, I think. I'll see how life goes.



At 5:08 PM, Blogger Lois said...

splutter on, Sean, it's good to see you reflecting again ;)

-looks around furtively and scoots off to study-


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