[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, May 04, 2007

Changing attitudes.

You know? I've been reflecting a lot on what I've been doing in the past few weeks - in camp, that is. It's amazing how much my views on national service have changed over the past few weeks, almost indistinguishable from the first day I enlisted on that little island of Tekong. From anxious butterflies in the stomach, to sheer resentment of the whole regime to a plain resignation to the sad fact that I'm still here doing what I'm doing to just not caring about it anymore. It is kinda depressing how it's degenerated into that state of simple apathy, but I'm just focusing more on making friends...and trying my best to learn as much as possible without thinking that I'm in the army, still.

Bah humbug, call it self-delusional if you must.

Lately, many many officer cadets have been coming to signals institute; most of them from the batch that I was from in basic military training. With two white bars on their shoulders, sure, they look like they command more of a presence and I envy them...but for all the crap that they have to go through, I'm not really sure.

Which just brings me to the point about my dad signing on as a regular. If anything, I respect my dad a lot more now that I'm in the army - his job scope, the respect he should command being up there doing that and what he's been through in OCS. Oh the horror stories! I can't imagine myself going through that!

Phantom of the Opera at the Esplanade tomorrow! Can't wait.


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Mrs.delahunty said...

have fun :)

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahah. i almost forgot your dad's there!



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