[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

more than the sum of my yesterdays

And in the blink of an eye, I'm coming to the end of the school year, with only 3 weeks left before the CAs and 6 weeks before the professionals.

I don't even know what I'm doing here. ARGH. Perhaps out of frustration of the amount of work there is left to do and over many other small things that really shouldn't be thought much about. But here I am yet again, so.

Random fact #1: I love my violin! am finally able to not screech so much and play some decent tunes. I just can't figure out why my intonation is so bad! Actually when I practise the violin, I go into cycles of discouragement. I start of playing ok, then I check my intonation and then it's bad. I go plonk some keys on the piano to vent off some steam then come back and work on my pieces or studies again. Well, nothing like the piano.

I used to take my playing the piano for granted. I know that I'm not a fantastic pianist; I don't have brilliantly even trills to show off, no florid glissandos up and down the length of the keyboard and not even decent improvisation. I am but an amateur pianist. Yet when I play the violin only do I appreciate how much work I've put in into learning the piano to get to where I am. Sure, there are loads of better pianists out there, like E (sigh.), but really, that doesn't matter when I'm playing by myself. I'm happy just going through some Mozart or even the nicer piano accompaniments of some of the songs that I've sung before in the choir. I don't even care whether I got that trill perfectly right. It just is okay.

Yes, mediocrity is acceptable sometimes. I still take my Bach seriously though. Partita's coming along well. :)

Random fact #2: I am admittedly bad at anatomy.

Medical students can be blindingly brilliant at times. I just happen to be the average chum in school, getting by with stuff like "muscles of facial expression are all supplied by the facial nerve". WELL, DUH. I didn't fare too well at tutorial today, making mistakes like lingual nerve being a branch of the facial(!!!) nerve. School depresses me that way, so. I try to get over it by telling myself that I'm learning all this for my own professional development, just so I don't kill anyone in the future because of my ignorance, but exams still count for something, don't they?

Random fact #3: Nothing like old friends.

Met up with some of the welfare committee members of the students' council the other day. Sigh, I miss them so much. Sometimes I wish I didn't quit - that I just managed to explain myself away with it. I still feel that I was wronged in the past, but that's for another day. Nice to know that everyone's doing so well and that so much has transpired over the past few years yet we still could have a great time together.


Might work on the questions Lois posted on the church blog the next time. Today's the day for random ramblings. :)


At 4:16 PM, Blogger Lois said...

your reflections are thought-provoking, i'm glad you wrote. some cents' worth from someone who's fleeing revision too :b
i think for music, as with anatomy, and life in general, we shouldn't measure ourselves with other people's achievements? Because 1) if we think we're lousier, we devalue the enjoyment that proceeds from them, and the blessing we can be to others with our gifts, whatever and in what quantity they are. Surely to a thirsty runner a bottle of cold water is just as good as a goblet of deionised distilled. Sure one is fancier than the other, but the cold water can still save a life 2) if we ever get to the point we can think we're the best, we're still wrong, we're not perfect like God, who is the source of it all.

i don't know why it matters so much to us that we're not "pro". That's always what bothered me about learning music/specialised sports proper (maybe that's why i don't anymore.) the more one learns the amateurish-er one feels. But does it matter, being pro, if you can make beautiful/moving sounds? and /you/ definitely can mr leong :b

maybe the answer is to use these things to bless people, then it becomes not a matter of perfecting ourselves, but rejoicing in the going from strength to strength, until the day creation itself is redeemed and made perfect again.

ps oh haha i didn't not-think lingual nerve wasn't from facial too heh you mean it's from mandibular V? was it chorda tympani that's from lingual? nvm :b

pps heh sorry for the treatise! yes yes post on church blog yesssssssss :b

ppps Jiayou for weekend revision!

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am really curious, whos 'jf'? :) ohhh whats the church blog url?

and yeah you! u updated! i miss u! =) kfc with looooo soon?


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, ah ya! i know who jf is alr!

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Lois said...

and thank you for the reply! see you sun (: have a great weekend. also am grateful to you for being my agony uncle


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