[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, March 21, 2008

post-CA, pre-pros.

I just answered the phone prior to typing this entry and the auntie on the phone replied, "Wei, uncle ah?". =( Ah well. At least I don't have a kiddy voice.

YES! The CAs are finally over. 3 days felt like forever, as usual. If there's anything I've learnt from the past three days, it's that it's extremely stressful trying to sort things out the day before the CAs. Especially for anatomy.

Which leads to me to wonder, whatever happened to the promise I made to myself to buck up for semester two??

To be fair, I completed most of my readings on time, which already calls for some superhuman effort already. My physiology textbook is dutifully highlighted in pink (which matches the red-grey bichrome layout) and my anatomy textbook is read and re-read. But still, I couldn't tell whether there were two corpora spongiosum or two corpora cavernosa in the penis.

Wait. Come to think of it, cavernosum (singular) and cavernosa (plural). No spongiosa!!! ARGH. But I had to scribble (rather gleefully) that it was the corpora spongiosum of the penis in the CA some more. Terrible latin spelling. Would have left Socrates spinning in his grave.

I think I was a little distracted this time round with the violin. I always seem to be distracted by instruments. First, it was the piano, then there were the people who play the violin or piano, then now it's the violin. What is wrong with me! And it's always during the exam period that I can't seem to sit still reading about diabetes mellitus. GAH. Now I know why I don't really well for exams. I should just lock up all my instruments and leave myself with my notes.

Going off to buy my violin tomorrow! Yay. Much to look forward to. Will post pictures hopefully.

There. One day (out of three) down. 2 more to go before the mad study blaze comes back again.


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, yesterday i just read your blog.. then today i saw your tag, hahahaha. so coincidental.

yes econs rocks -__-

i want free med checkups! :D


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