[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, June 02, 2005

not good down under

ohhhh man. wearing the wrong underwear really can ruin an otherwise fantastic day. bah. I'll never wear that pair of briefs again! =((

First day teaching N level at Chestnut Drive Secondary School. =) It was an enlightening experience...hm. I realised that actually the disparities in difficulties between N level and O level Chemistry and Physics is actually quite big! Take this question for an example.

"Name the apparatus labelled X." -Burette

That's one mark in your pocket. And they don't do mole concept...which made things quite difficult for me, since I know absolutely nuts about doing mole concept questions using mass ratio. Whatever that is. Left everything to Gerald because he seemed to know what was going on. Oh well. It was rather pressurising because while I was teaching mole concept halfway, the teacher tapped me on the shoulder and said, "hey...they don't need to know mole concept." OHHHH. But I assumed they did. I mean, I've been trained to do mole concept since I've started on the tumultous route of the study of chemistry *sobs sobs*. But since they didn't do mole concept, I thought it'd made things easier. But nooooo. They had to use proportions. Like whuuddd??

Oh well. I'll be teaching O level students next week. So I'll have to mug up on my half forgotten physics and dig up that tome of a textbook from that abyss on my desk. *pouts* Physics!! You never fail to leave me. Haunt me, you must not. *I so love yoda...that green furry...thing.*

Mugged at the library till the library closed can. =) It was half mugging, half talking session. But I managed to finish a good deal of econs mcq. I can't believe I couldn't find sickle cell anaemia in 5 *yes a staggering five* bio textbooks that I soooo awfully tried to wrench out from the shelf! Yes. Five. Now, you have to get this right. Biology textbooks are not textbooks per se. They're encyclopedias - each with at least 1000 pages. Can you imagine all the calories I burnt trying to hold the book in mid air, flipping to the content page and then to the actual page that contains the info on gene mutation? My arm almost died on me. Good exercise though. *positive outlook*

Talking about exercice, I've came up with a resolution to condition my (horrible) body everday by doing conditioning exercices! *applause* Now that's new! Yes yes yes...lazy sean has actually come up with an exercice regime. 60 crunches, 3 reps of 10 pushups and a minute squat against the wall. It's not a lot...but I think it'll keep me in good shape. I'll hit the gym every Saturday to do weights! Yes I will. Amen. Ha.

Sushi buffet tomorrow! Can hardly wait. It's only for two hours though...so I'm not sure whether we'll be able to talk since I think we'll be munching on all the sushi and ice cream - non stop. HA. A big feast awaits me tomorrow. Be jealous, you should.

Man, I love Yoda.


At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL... u neednt publicise bout ur undies..dat was kinda hilarious and disgusting..

hahhaha u do cip?... maybe teaching physics help u get in touch with phy.. esp since u're doing BCME=p

and u arent going for the hc choir msia trip?..hmm. next mon's rvchorale outing at sentosa..wanna go?



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