[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Changing focus?

Sharing a room with my brother can be highly infuriating at times. He can be such an ogre and I hate myself for condoning and giving in to some of his peculiar habits. RAWR. I know, some of you are going to preach to me about how I should love my brother and the whole 孔融让梨 (sic?) story, but if you haven't lived with this horrible room mate for a day (he sleeps at 2am!!! With the lights fully on! Talk about spotlights. I feel like a celebrity already), you haven't seen half of what he can do yet. So. For now, I'm just going to calm down...and do weird breathing exercises (cue Christl!) to appease my brewing anger. ROAAAAAR.

The weekends have been productive. Somehow or another, there came a time when I realised it's important to rate my weekend on a scale of one to ten, in terms of productivity and amount of time spent to tend to those highly strung nerves during the weekdays. It's mechanical, but...necessary. Hm, let's see now. I managed to finish the whole of integration tutorial 3 without much as a stumble, I wrapped up my brand new chemistry textbook, I packed up and sorted out my iTunes song library and I practised the item for wednesday together with my choir friends! That deserves a big woozah already!

Digressing a little, Christl and I had yet another good talk the other as I was coming back from the song practice. As usual, we whined (yes, quite often!) about our work and our commitments and how the juggling is going to kill us this year. Reached this topic about how we're going to achieve the best possible results for the A levels (read: 4As. 2 distinctions not really, but would be good. lol.)...and we agreed that it's a melange of hard work and perseverance. Perseverance! Ha. Tell me about it. I can already start to feel the heat from the first week of school! Boo. All the teachers are reminding us how important it is to start right from the first week and do constant revision. I want to know the notes at the back of my hand but where on the flippin' earth am I going to find the time??? Searched high and low, but haven't arrived at a good timetable. I figured if I managed to finish my tutorials for the week during the weekends, then perhaps I can squeeze in a tiny hour of revision after school everyday. Especially after those long choir days. Sheesh. God knows how fatigued I am after 8pm! I can hardly keep my eyes open!

Sigh. The prelude has started. I've a bad feeling that it's going to be a mad rush from now on...so I'm glad I treasured the time I had during the holidays. Haha...

Anyway, I'm off to a good start to my resolutions! For one, I'll be running every week (I hope!) with Christl from now on to train up for NAPFA. Yes, I know. Christl is a girl. But hey, she's very fit, ok? She runs faster than me!! Sheesh. OK. Concrete goals. Faster than 12 minutes for NAPFA. Yes yes.


The rain does funny things to me. Makes me really sleepy.

I'm totally random.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tu sembles avoir une vie tres surchargé mon ami.Moi je suis surprix comment tu peux la prendre,vraiment chapeau bas..lol..
Et a propos de ton frere,essaye de renforcer ta relation avec lui,peut etre que tu vas trouver que ce qu'il fait est normal, au moins un peu...
take care and go run ...you go chap. God bless you.


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