[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The mugger in me?

Yay! We have received our 16PF test results! It's just one of those really standard psychometric tests that we were required to sit for last year. I'm just glad that I didn't turn out to be freak, according to the test results. Some of the test results pointed to things frightfully true, like how I'm so serious and all and how I tend to prefer working by myself. I wish I didn't though...It's always good to be a team player, but somehow, I prefer feeling in control of what happens around me. Call it self-reliant or reclusive, whatever.

My brother was hospitalised yesterday, apparently after he fell off his bike while cycling along the road just outside Seletaris. Really, he should take better care of himself! Now, he's covered in bruises and abrasions. While there aren't any serious fractures, but that ought to teach him a lesson or two about wearing a helmet, albeit a fugly one, out when he goes biking. Ha! I should take a picture of him in his clothes there. It's kinda funny how 'cause he's been admitted into the kids ward where everyone else in the other wards are all infants...so he's like the oldest one there. There are even pictures of teddy bears on his clothes! Both front and back to boot. Haha...even for him to stop and gasp when he saw them. Heh.

Now that's what I call a vending machine!

I finally finished those 5 questions of chemistry "S". Sheesh. One question is worth 20 marks...so even if it's 20 marks worth of mole concept, it takes up a huge chunk of my afternoon.

Shu and I just talked about whether it's more important to study law/med here or get a scholarship and study abroad. Yes, recently, I've been torn between the two and I've been giving both issues serious thought. As I said, I should only concentrate on working hard so that I achieve good enough results to even enter the interview room! Haha...So for now, I'm just aiming...and seeing what comes about later on.

Linxin, Joce, Edmund and I have started to meet up every Friday to have a little fellowship together. It's a fantastic idea, really, especially in the view of how I've been drifting further and further away from God. It's not the first time that I've been pondering over the issue of religion and where it's leading me. No, I haven't become so distant from God that I don't pray anymore, but I don't see the point of going to church anymore, as compared to staying home and recouping my sleep debt. ARRRGH. It's grating on the nerves.

Should scoot to get my stationery and chrysanthemum(!!) flower for bio prac tomorrow.


One day I'll fly away, leave all this to yesterday.


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