[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, June 26, 2005

all the hubbub

Is it alright now, the template I mean? =)

It's youth sunday today. I suppose the whole service went well, even though the congregation today was almost stationary throughout the entire service. Yes, most of them were either staring blankly into us, thinking "since when did our church turn charismatic?", or they were clapping their hands unenthusiastically, as though that was all the stregth they could have mustered. Like hello. I woke up at 6.30am. It was the crack of dawn. And I was even more energetic than most people at the pews. sighhh.

That being said, it was rather fun singing once I've found the "right" placement. When I was consistently getting it in the rehearsals, I was shocked. Never have I been able to sustain the right placement for so long. It was good while it lasted.

They say it's too good to be true. Yeah. I lost it almost completely during the actual service. Bollocks. I'll work on it! =(

GP is an interesting subject to study. Seriously, I had a lot of fun reading the articles that were handed to my peers during the first three months. Some of them were insightful indeed. No, I did not experience any sort of epiphany, but it was helpful to be able to have a few points at the tip of my fingers - in case I run dry on them during the exam, which I foresee is quite highly likely. I haven't been excelling at GP, for reasons obvious. I'll give the paper my best shot, even if it means scoring a D or an E. NOooooooo Fs please. I'd really like to pass all my subjects. Hehe.

Anyway, I was reading a blog of my friend's lately and it dawned on me how talented some people can be. Art has never been my forte, hardly, if ever, have I scored past a C for art. Yes, I am aware of my shortcomings! That's why I never ever volunteer to do anything that has got to do with art - even if it means drawing an...erm...apple! Whatever. I haven't been good at drawing fruits anyway.

And to think that I went for art lessons when I was young. I quite enjoyed it, given the fact that my teacher was so encouraging and we were given so much time to just doodle on the spot before she'd praise us for what we've done. Ah...those were the days.

Only if I could have learnt to draw my fruits better...


I managed to get 80 marks for my grade 8 theory exam. Ohhh man. I'm happy enough with a merit, albeit just making the mark! It was a hard paper and really, I couldn't have imagined more difficult questions 1 and 2 from the board. Had a hard time trying to harmonise those crap. Yay! That's done forever.

Abel scored 90 for his grade 5 paper too! So we all deserve to celebrate. =))


Have fun all who have papers tomorrow - especially physics. The thought of it makes me shudders.

The look on your face makes me boils. - unknown teacher



At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... nice quote


At 10:52 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

Yeah...and it's ever nicer that it's boilSSSS. LOL. Talk about gross grammatical errors. Hehehe.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..her quotes never fail to make me smile :p your template 'private hermitage' thing still blocks (had to copy to word before I could read) haha...best of luck for the CTs! ^^*


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