[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Monday, June 13, 2005

sine, cosine, cotangent...

And the list goes on and on...and on. I've been doing maths for the entire day. Can you believe it? I can't believe it myself. Hahaha...that proves it. I have amazing willpower. Just that I'm always overpowered by the compelling urge to slack. Sigh. Conflicting emotions. But the real reason why I mugged so hard for maths today is because I've to see Miss Tang tomorrow. Reason being I have far too many blanks. Hahaha...I tried my best though! =)) See, motivations really work. Ha.

If there's anything worse than being stuck in a slow queue in a fast food restaurant because of indecisive people (the irony of it all!), it's to find out that the stall you want to eat from is closed - permanently.

Now, I usually take the shuttle bus from my condominium to Northpoint. Recently, I've decided to eat healthily, thanks to the influence of Mingtse, who happens to be an organic food freak. =P I won't abstain from oily food and stick to the fruit only diet...but I'll try to cut back on Macs and other fast food. Ha.

Thus, I trudged along to the food court at the basement...it's quite a long walk really. Thinking that I'd eat cai fan (mixed rice, where you get to choose the dishes that you want), I went to the stall where they were normally located - only to find out that it's been replaced by Rotiboy. (which is damn damn good by the way.)

So I combed the entire food court. No sign of it.

Like whuuuddd. I can't belive a food court doesn't have a cai fan stall! That's outrageous!

Had to make a 15 minute detour under the sweltering hot sun to get yet another coffeeshop in the area before I could buy what I so desperately wanted.

The price of eating healthily. Not a good start.

That being said, I've been conditioning regularly. It's coming along fine..but I've noticed that my right arm is weaker than my left arm. That's very evident when I do weights. Hm...and my right arm is my dominant arm! Ironic. And puzzling. Perhaps it's because of all the work that I've to do? Long term exertion. Thanks to all the 2.5 hour geography exams where you write non-stop. Ugh. Nightmares galore.

Off to wild wild wet tomorrow! Shall blog about it. Yeeeeeah. Fun fun fun.


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