[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Steamboat dinner with the choir

Ok. That was a really uncreative title for an entry. But hey, I'm as brain dead as can be after studying economics, alright? It really makes my brain cells commit mass suicide, especially with all the abbreviations! Argh. Talk about ruffling my feathers...*bapok*!

Anyway, I went out with the choir to Marina Bay yesterday for a combined dinner! Yay! Not surprisingly, there were more J2s who turned up as compared to J1s. And no J1 alto turned up. Not a single mugger-one! Alright alright. I guess they were just too in love with all the cells and forces and atoms and revenue and whatnot! =(( But it was a good time.

We arrived there early...so we lagged at the arcade for awhile - I mean, about two hours, in fact! Most of the time, I was just sauntering around the arcade...and looking at how pro Kenneth's junior is. Bajinko! They're really really good at the drums game. He can dish out all the mind-boggingly difficult combos without appearing the least bit flustered. He was just...*whack whack whack whack* And being the suaku people we always are, we just stood down there with our jaws wide open. =O Literally.

Songern decided to play Photohunt. Turned out to be a combined effort.

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Yes, talk about law of diminishing marginal returns! Too many people, only one game machine. *beams* Practical application of relevant economics concepts. One scouts point for me! =)

At about 7.30pm, we adjourned to the steamboat "restaurant" nearby to have the highlight of the day - the dinner, of course. Like dah. By that time, I was already famished and I could have eaten a whole colony of cows if I had to because I skipped breakfast and lunch. Not only due to the fact that I woke up late, but also because I had to save money for the dinner. Ha. Serves me right for being a miser.

Some highlights included:

1) The poor prawn that died a horrible death - Charmaine was supposed to kill the prawns (at least those that were still alive) first before dumping it into the boiling concoction of veggies and your usual fishballs and fishballs derivatives. So off she went swinging and swinging the prawns holding it by it's "feelers". As she was about to slam the prawn's head against the table, it slipped out of her hands and landed on the floor. Now, collectively, please exclaim *ow* for the prawn. The poor thing had to suffer such a horrible impact before it even died. sighhh.

2) The second poor prawn who had to die a horrible death at the J1 table - I picked out a lucky prawn from the container and gingerly placed it on the scalding hot steamboat thing. Whatever you call it. That was when it started to go into convulsions, or so I thought. Its legs were moving at full speed and I think if you listen closely enough, you can almost hear it screaming as one side of its body is being cooked - alive! Muahahahahhaa. I'm so evil! Too bad I didn't have the good fortune of eating the prawn who had squirm with full force even until its dying end. Bah.

Here are some pictures of the people who sat at my table. Really funny guys.

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JOBOs (J1 bass ones) and me! I'm a bass two, so I figure I'm the odd one out. Coincidentally, they're the guys who came over to my house to have the BMT the other day as well! Niiiice.

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Tenors. Oh well. They're just that, I suppose. Tenors. Ha. Basses rule - forever! Oh yes, Louis (I'm not sure if I got the spelling right on that one!) came over all the way from KL to have the dinner with us! woooot. Aren't you guys, the ones who didn't come, ashamed of yourselves yet? Haha...

There's another picture of me and linxin, the only J1 RVians who came. But I look horrid in it, as I always do...but no harm not posting it up! Hahaha.....

Ok. 20 minutes spent blogging this. Shall go off to spend some time with my love - Sloman! *rolls over in fits* Frankly speaking, he has a lot of interesting facts and case studies in there...and I always get distracted reading them instead of the gist of the concepts. Boo. But at least it's economics - and I love econs!!


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Too many people, one game machine" is not a correct application of the law of dimishing marginal returns! :P

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

0____0 Econs... LoL

At 10:53 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

Hm...why isn't it? The people are the variable factors and because the fixed factor, the game machine, is always constant, not everyone can reach the the machine or even see the screen, leading to a decrease in marginal utility after say 5 people?

*gags* I still love econs though! =)

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you're weird... cos econs must be the most boring subject on earth (other than physics and math haha)

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shu May, you must be a freak to think that Geography is more interesting than economics. =P

It's a matter of perspectives and interests. =D

Sean, I'll write about why that scenario doesn't demonstrate the law of diminishing marginal returns when I'm free. =P

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

YAYS!!!! BMT!!! haha... okok *sits on the floor to prevent being high :X*
yeah man!! send me tt pic one day!! haha... bassssseeeessssssss the best :D:D:D WEEEEEE! :D


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