[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Baptism!! =))

Yay! I've been baptised at church! Wow. It's an amazing experience...for me. But this is where the road really begins...after the confirmation of my allegiance with Christ. Ahhh! And to Shaoning, thanks so much for coming to witness my baptism ceremony today! You've really encouraged me a lot. Hahaha...=))

Managed to borrow the Grade 8 CD from Linxin! Yay. Thanks a lot linxin. I love all the pieces in the grade 8 syllabus. They're all played extremely well...which leaves my playing with a lot to be desired. Hahaha...I've been slacking a lot for the past few days. I wish I had the passion to continue practising hard on the piano to improve my *horrible* technique! Gags. I'll have to come down to doing it sometime.

Choir elections - I've been appointed to be the bass sectional leader...along with Edmund!! It's quite surprising really...but I'm still elated. I've got a lot of work to do...but edmund, we can do it!! hahahaha...

I've been exchanging emails with my correspondant from France who'll be coming on the 5th of July. Oh...I can't wait! Hahaha..The worst thing that I can think of is the lack of communication between us because I can't speak french well for nuts! I'll have to learn some sign language or something...and that's why I need to brush up on my french soon.

Here's a sneak preview of my french friend (lol. alliteration. whatever. hahaha.)

he's the one on the right! hahaha. Just in case.

And yes...he'll come to school. But only on monday. Hahaha...so those of you who are dying to see a french guy live, come look for me on mondays!! ahahhaa. whee.


At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So hello,since i'm still here till tomorrow,and motived by your note ,i read all the page,i know that there are more,but forgive me.i can see that you are tortured by math and chemistry and i coudn't agree more,because me two i'm living the same phase,with nombre de moles les burettes les bechers ,le volume et tous les autres.De tout mon coeur je veux te feliciter ,le bapteme comme tu l'as decrit c'est un grand pas dans le christianisme,really i appreciate you,because i can see faith in your writings,god bless you and may he enlight your way through darkness and difficulties,and thanks for praying for me.and thanks because you liked my home,and you are welcome to visit me anytime you want and i'm serious.I want to say this in the begginig , but please take me on monday to sigapour ,je t'en prie lol,oh mon dieu je peux voir pour tu es ardent,maintenant moi je suis jaloux.et ne t'inquite pas sean,a propos de la langue ca ira bien,laisse les mots sortir comme ca,et tu vas remarquer plutot tu vas etre surpix par tes capacités orales...Oh comme il est beau,et c'est evident qu'il est celui de la droite...Moi je suis sur qu'il va etre le bienvenu chez toi,et que tu vas le traiter d'une façon royale,vous etes hospitales les singapouriens...je suis tres content pour toi,et excuse moi,pour les prochaines fois,que je vais etre absent peut etre jusqu'au septembre :( ...Adieu mon ami,take care , and god be with you ...

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

right...i can't figure out half of what he is saying... =P that figures doesn't it.

coming which school?

and i better don leave my name...er...just in case he decides to come back to see his note.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

Hahaha...that's my friend from Lebanon. =)) A good friend. We met online through opendiary and I read his diary often because I can relate to so much that he's going through. Furthermore, he writes in french! Now how rare is that.

I'm so touched that you left such a long note detailing all that you wanted to say, Hany. Thanks a million. =) Good luck for the exams ahead. Just ten days!! You can do it.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha your french friend looks quite cute! :) wow you've quite an interesting mix of friends.. anyway good luck for blocks!

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah!!! what a hunk!!! lol. i didn't see this pic the other time leh. weird.
-nu er


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