[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

shit happens

Yes it does, amen.

I attended the SAF choir concert yesterday. Hm...On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate them 8. Bonus marks for singing nice songs towards the end that really engages to the audience on the whole and also for singing a song that really engaged me because it resembled bin-nam-ma a lot! It's called "Incantatio Maris Aestuosi "Kalevala"'. The theme of the song is rather haunting, I'd add. It's about how you are trapped in a ferry twelve stories high and just as the ferry tips over and is about to sink, you hear the screams of people coming from all the docks. You realise that there is nothing to do but to wait for your turn as the water comes rushing in, engulfing lives. I particularly liked the forced whispers by the other sections. There was even a whistling part by the first tenors too! Interesting.


Overall, I'd say I enjoyed the concert a lot - considering I paid only $4.80 for the ticket after the grant from the Arts Board. Yay. I love cheap concerts. Being a student really rocks. You get all kinds of funny bonuses, like student's meal at Burger King for $3.90. Yay! Swoon all of you who aren't students and would like to be one. Ha.

Shan't comment on what the class did yesterday. I know it was done with no malice, but still, it was rather embarrassing on my part and on her part. I'd like to restate my point that there's nothing going on between us and that we are just good friends. Period. Leave them to think what they want.


Conditioning is coming along fine...even though I think I should incorporate some skipping to improve endurance as well. Ahhh. Time to hit the sports connection.

I'm about to take swimming lessons!! Yay. It's not the "pro" swimming lessons so to speak, but the kiddy ones. Oh gee. I can just imagine the shock on the instructor's face when he realises that I, a sixteen year old boy, still cannot swim for the death of him. Just imagine.

My mum, "Hi. Could you conduct swimming lessons for my son on Saturdays at the pool?"
Him, "Sure! How old is your son? Three? Four?"
My mum, "Erm. Sixteen, in fact."

*pregnant pause*

I'm so going to die of embarrassment.

But to learn is better than to suffer during national service. Ohhhh yeah.


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