[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, March 11, 2006

come saturday.

listening to: breathe.

You know how some songs just seem to touch you the first time you hear them? This is one of them and it's...just difficult for me to accept who I am or what I'm doing after hearing it. I wish I knew what I was doing, or doing for, for that matter. Never mind if I don't make sense amidst all that mumbo-jumbo. I don't even make sense to myself most of the time.

GP exam was eventful. Spent the whole time trying to fit all that I read the day before the exam into "categories" and "examples". Hm. I think I didn't do very well for the essay, considering the fact that I didn't challenge the assumption in the question. I tried very hard to give a good range of examples to substantiate my points though! Am hoping against all odds that my effort will pay off!

"I knew you guys would do that question!"


Writing here sometimes is very hard. I try to self censor. Even after all that censoring that goes on around me. Is it even true that as we become more educated, we are sort of free-er in that sense? My first instinctive response was "hell, no!" but let's be more rational than that, shall we? heh.

I love reading blogs that make me feel as if there's this really interesting person on the other side that I'm dying to meet. One of them is on my opendiary networks. He doesn't write in a pretentious manner and everything seems so...sincere. So heartfelt. It's as if he's really jotting down what he thinks about stuff around him, be it his performances at school or his everyday life in Boston, no less. He's an undergraduate studying at Berklee College of Music. Wow. I admire his bravery. Much as I love music to bits, I don't think I can ever muster the courage to do a major in music. Perhaps that explains why as I listened to his podcast about his preparation for his proficiency exam in guitar for the semester, I felt so sad inside because...it's something I desperate want to experience for myself - that anxiety before the exam, that devotion to what you believe in, that commitment to the development of your inner self, that musical side to everyone. And you know what the weirdest thing about the whole thing was? I had that sudden impulse to want to talk to him, about everything he's doing. Granted I can do that over the internet...but there's something that a face to face conversation can do that one over the plain computer screen cannot do, you get what I mean?

I'm quite happy where I am now. I'm just afraid of whether I'll ever lose this side of me to think hard about things about me when I grow up, lost in the never-ending rat race to earn the Big Million. I see adults about me who are contented to take things at face value and I choose not to believe that they choose to do so, but they do it because they don't have time to ponder about it?

Stop thinking so much. I should do more maths. Yes, more structured maths.


At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's interesting, really, how a screen can link people from across the world...as if by magic. lolx..but i know what you mean :) there's so much to ask and say that can't be communicated through a white text box, that sometimes the human need for connection and understanding is really overwhelming...

I like this entry :D has that wistfulness and quiet feeling to it (ignore my ramblings)

[a little bird told me you had updated, and so i came to see :p]


At 3:29 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

thanks for the comment! haha. yes and it's true how I'd really like to meet that guy. sheesh. it's amazing what he's doing with his life. he seems to enjoy it so much. and something deep inside me wish I could say the same for myself.

I really hate maths.

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello dear sean,ca fait longtemps, vraiment,je t'ai beaucoup manqué, et excuse moi pour ne pas te noter, mais l'uni est folle,mais elle va bien...
Ecoute sean,je sais que parce que j'etais loin pour une periode je ne peux plus dire ce que je veux dire,mais excuse moi en tout cas,Tu sais ce que tu as ecrit semble etre genereux et tres beau envers cette personne,en fait moi aussi j'avais une personne presque idole,mais chacun a ses defauts aussi,toi tu es super, crois moi,ce que je veux dire, est que tu fais les maths, c'est quelque chose sache ca mon ami, tu apprends le français, tu fais la musique, et autres choses, la chose est qu'on sait jamais admirer notre soi meme....Et ca se passe vaguement avec moi, c'est fou et detruisant mais ca se passe avec moi,ah si ce que j'ai dit peut marcher avec moi, mais j'ai essayé au moins de te le dire, peut etre que ca t'ira...
Take care cher Sean, et t'es en careme je crois eh , feaating ?
God bless you and thx for the note.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

haha... well take time out everyday or at least regularly to focus on the real reason why we are here on this earth yeah?? ;) rmb: we are not youths who happen to be christians, but christians who happen to be youths... go think it thru! :)

take care then!! jiayou! :)

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helllooo sean! It's been a long long time since we last met! I really miss all of you, my nicest friends in 4C.. Anyway, i'm sure you'll do well in future with your determination! By then dont forget me ok..! Alrighty, time to return to muggerland...haha! See you soonnn...


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