[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Monday, March 20, 2006

frustration at its best.

Today marks the start of the block tests for the content based subjects. Well well. Maths was ok, I found it rather easy in fact...in comparison to some of the other block test papers! Hoping to score a high A on that one. Em got the wrong substitution for the question on integration - and that costs 8 marks. Sigh. That was the worst question of them all. How can they expect us to memorise all the substitutions? I managed to guess that it involved square root two, but wasn't sure whether it was root two sine or root two cosine. Stuck with sine since it's easier to differentiate! My lucky day.

Econs sucked pretty bad - not the paper per se, but the venue. Oh yes the *insert suitable expletive* venue! I'm mighty angry about us having to sit right at the end of the hall, like we're being banished into the no-wind zone. You see, my class was slated to sit at row 15, which happens to be the row facing the field. Now. That wouldn't be so much of a problem if our paper started at 8.15am, but here's where the problem came in - the paper started at 1pm. And it lasted for 2 hours 15 minutes. And we had to do three different sections on end. And there was hardly any wind going around, unless you consider the scorching convection currents slowly caressing you from the field - which was highly uncomfortable, if not irritating. Just imagine! I was more frustrated at the fact that the heat was absolutely sweltering and I could feel myself just melting away...and at the same time having to keep my mind straight about the difference between GDP and GNP. One of the worst exams I've ever taken - ever. Even beats the time I fell asleep halfway during my chinese exam in secondary three.

As part of my duty as one of the two sectional leaders for the basses, it was my turn to sit in during sectionals today and watch the interim sectional leaders conduct sectionals. I must admit they're good at it, although ZX probably needs to speak out more and not just be a human metronome, if you get what I mean. Jonny is pretty good at the whole notion of taking them through a song, but I think he can afford to be more picky about their pitching. It's scary to think that once, we were also battling with The Pitch. Seriously, singing is a lot more difficult that it looks. Trying to get people to even sing A NOTE together is like trying to get a bunch of 10 year old kids, charged with adrenaline, to clap at the same time. It's that difficult. To make it harder, not everyone has the best of ears...so we end up fixing pitches quite often. More often that I'd like, though.

I'm not so much afraid of the block tests. I'm much more afraid of what's to come after the blocks - NAPFA(!!), more S paper work, especially from chem, more incomprehensible maths topics and just the entire reality of having to sit for the A levels in less than 8 months!

To end off, Zhiyang sang really well today. I'm so proud of him - and myself for being in the same school and same CCA, even! Yes! Go Zhiyang!


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

salut, Sean, vraiment ca m'a beaucoup aidé, seulement le fait que tu as lit l'entrée m'a aidé, et en plus ce que tu m'as ecrit!!!
Merci beaucoup Sean, c'est tres gentil de ta part.
Je vois que tu es tres plongé dans les econs et les maths, c'est bien, au moins tu peux te distraire,mais est ce amusant?
en tout cas, que dieu te garde, et merci beaucoup, pour le compliment concernant mon anglais, je crois que ca se fixe seul, tant que je parle de mon coeur :D >>>
Bye, take care mon ami.


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