[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Better remember that number. Don't wanna write it wrongly lest I lose like half the total marks for a subject.

Then again, after General Paper on Thursday, I'm not sure so it'll really help anyway. Pronounced myself dead after the Application Question at 11.25am. It was so bleeding difficult! And they required so much...for both the summary and the AQ. Wow- great. And I like the fact how they saved it all for the end, like I can almost imagine them sniggering away as you flip to the back and the big jack-in-the-box springs in your face and you go "what the..." and start to scribble frantically away - without sense, at that.

So there, I said all I wanted to for the world having a single lingua franca and how free I wanna be, which didn't appear to make much sense to me after having written it...but never mind. What will crash and burn, will crash and burn. You get what I mean.

Then again, maths has been going ok...tussling a little bit with the statistics questions have been fun, in a sadistic kind of way. Like how it keeps you on your toes! Have started on maths S at long last! Yay. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be after taking such a long respite from the hellish questions...doable. I'm still gawking at the ingenious answers the teachers provide. Seriously - 3 lines for a 5 marks question. AMAZING.

Have been watching Goong - Princess Hours. Wow. I've to admit that all the royal family members look damn good, especially the Crown Princess and Prince Lu. Sheesh. They should be together! I just cringe whenever Lu makes a faux pas in front of everyone...and appears as if he didn't even know he committed one. Someone should teach him the meaning of "discretion". But one hour everyday is well spent, I must admit. This fascination of mine with the esoteric lives of royals - and they speak korean, which sounds so good! Love the tones of the language. Perhaps I should go learn korean with georgia or something. Tetra-linguism!

Dialysis and tutorial before I retire. Surprisingly, this time, I could get over the countercurrent shit and the RAAS pathways pretty quickly. Realised I knew a lot of facts already. I also realised I forgot most of my biochem and my bioenergetics. Will have to patch those tomorrow.


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