[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Books, essays and dvds.

That pretty much sums up everything after the dreaded A levels. It didn't end with a blast as I expected it to, much unlike the O levels. Perhaps it was the 4 weeks duration that sort of diffused the effect of the final burst of euphoria at the end. I'm just so glad it's over...though there are other things to worry about, UGH.

After spending 2 days roaming town in search for the perfect outfit (barring budget constraints!) to wear to the promenade, I've bought my stuff! Yay. I think I have entered all the shops that sell men's clothes, from humble Giordano to flashy Zara. And of course, Zara was way out of my league! But it was nice to go touch some really cool blazers and shirts. Really classy, the things they have!

I've also laid my hands some books! Finally I'm making full use of the premier membership that I spent $21 getting. I always end up having to pay $21 to borrow 4 scores for the whole year without ever going back to the esplanade to borrow more. Sigh. But considering next year's going to spent mostly in Tekong and the like, I should have more time to read and I will make full use of the membership! Haha. Here are the titles I borrowed...

I know this isn't something that I usually read, but I think it's high time I read something intelligent for a change!

I love this book! It's so beautifully written that everything unfolds like a piece of ornately designed indian tapestry. He really has a way with words. This book is a lot of readable that the Salman Rushdie one, that's for sure! It even has a nice cover! I have a thang for covers.

Haha. I saw the name Adam Smith on the cover and immediately picked it up. Haven't read it yet, but I dig the cheeky title!

Freaky cover, interesting blurb. That's why.


Now to finish up that stanford essay and the psc application!! Today today!! And there's DALF tomorrow, of which the listening I think is going to scare the crap out of me, since they're mostly going to speak at light speed again.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger iso(e)lat!on said...

if only i could. =)

you are going really heavy on books these days. Those are no lightweights. I always wanted to read "the glass palace" by Amitav Ghosh. I think i even got around to borrowing it, but never got past the first few pages. Got quite lazy to read serious books i guess. I'll improve now, i hope. Since there's no need to study anymore, i'm hoping to do sth more useful with my time.

oh, if you want try "Fastfood nation", "(the) Girl with the pearl earrings". "Six impossible things before breakfast (the scientific origin of belief)". Those are the 3 books i am going gaga over in the past few months. I'm going to try my hand at economics after some time at philosophy.


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