[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, July 14, 2005

ambivalent feelings

Thursdays are great. Heavenly and God-sent. Wonder why? 'Cause I end at the glorious time of 2.40pm! Hallelujah. My earliest day ever without having any commitments after school. Don't underestimate the power of the absence of commitments. It made me a whole lot happier than I usually am throughout the whole day. Wow. Even OAG sounded interesting. Ok. Just kidding on the last one. =P

Choir practice ended on a low note yesterday. It was one of the practices where it leaves you feeling inadequate and down. No, don't get me wrong. It isn't the practice's fault. It's my fault. I admit it, I didn't memorise the scores well - and I don't exactly have a good reason for that. C'mon, who am I trying to kid? I've been a chorister for a good whole 4 years. I should have known better than to go for a practice without getting the score into my head first.

"Sean, do you know your lyrics?"

I'll never forget that. We were singing Salmo 150 at that point in time and happened that I was an alto, albeit with a horrible creaky voice because I was turning into a man (lol!). Anyway, I had quite a rough time trying to reach the notes and I kept rolling my eyes. Call that the bait for the boogeyman. It's a big no-no. Turned out Ms T thought I forgot my lyrics and that one question sent blood rushing up to my face in 5 milliseconds. You guys know how easily I blush. Bah.

I've gotten over the practice already. Just have to keep working harder. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really improving fast enough. After 4 solid years in choir, of which two years I was a bass, I don't think I've really "gotten" the right technique. Yet. The two years of being an alto don't count because I was singing using a different register altogether. But yes, I digress. I know how a good technique should "feel" like. Air behind the teeth, resonance, LOTS of head voice which I so desperately need and an opened "back of the mouth". Yes. A lot don't make sense to a non-chorister, but seriously, it's not easy to achieve. Just imagine! You have to juggle the words, be it in Hungarian (Yes, HUNGARIAN!), Japanese, French (ohhhh man) or Latin, and still be able to focus on producing good sound. Not to mention some songs require actions, like Bin-nam-ma. Those songs are musically the hardest to sing, in my opinion. With poorly coordinated limbs like mine, it's frightfully difficult to sing and to "dance" simultaneously.

I ramble too much sometimes. But it's my blog, so stuff it.

Pfsh. Energetics. When did chemistry become such a pain?

Oh well. At least I have the NDP show to look forward to on saturday.

À la prochaine fois! (Till next time. That's what it means. And jingyong, where did you learn your french? It's accurate, albeit a little offensive! Hahaha...)


At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ils sont des faits. =P

J'ai appris le français d'un ami, mais c'était il y a des années.

I cannot speak French though. And my French grammar sucks.(Are the sentences above correct? I've already forgotten many words due to the lack of use.)

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And shouldn't it be "Jusqu'à la prochaine fois" instead?

At 7:16 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

Yes, the sentences are largely correct. =))

A la prochaine fois is correct. =)

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms T, LOL!!!
hahah we're singing salmo 150 again!! but i forgot for what.. ms lim said but i forgot. anw i get a cheap thrill outta it cos i learnt it before =P and I AM SINGING THE SAME PART..lalala

hahaha its okay to ramble in YOUR own blog. dats the purpose of it. :)


At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea i also haf no idea whether im singing wif the correct technique n that just messes with my confidence a great load. i never ever dare to sing in any situation where my voice is audible, esp when ur a choirster n ppl expect u to be singing with the right technique. but the problem wif singing is that it's all in e mind n u can't really literally "see" wad u are supposed to do n they cant make u feel which is the correct feeling n which is not. basses have always been so unconfident =( we really need to feel good about our voices before we can feel good about hearing our voices louder than the rest. bleah my confidence is seriously rubbish la...

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

elle tu excuse moi belle parfait blanco telle..uhh..that wasn't supp 2 make sense..LOL..i don't know what half the words there mean.. but anywaaayy...saLMO! haha miss the song...haven't heard it sung in perfect notes for a long time..all 4 parts with correct lyrics too..

i dont like aya matsuura.

=DDDD hahha...but boa is fine. =DD

At 5:10 PM, Blogger BenJ said...

i dont think i have swimming as my PE lessons, phew! I think swimming is fine but as PE lessons is really quite troublesome. Nevermind, i give you a tip ok, just take a long long time changing and forget to bring your trunks occassionally. That should cut down your actual swimming time by quite a bit.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

Lol! I've heard that if you forget to bring your trunks for PE, they actually make you wear trunks that they have. Not too good an idea. Some of the trunks have HOLES in them. You'd wish you were dead instead.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

hahhah OAG!!!! gdness lah... i wonder how i ever survive her lectures... maybe coz of the purple-ish colour.. ^o)
haha anyway... hm... SEAN IN HOLE-FUL SWIMMING TRUNKS!!!! how... interesting and... eye-catching tt will be! YAYS!! everyone's queueing up to see... wahahaha... then i shall bring my cam along so i can blackmail.... okok you arent supposed to see the last statement!! :X:X

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder where the holes are... If its at the wrong place, you might as well volunteer to swim naked. Say you want a full tan. =D


At 8:19 PM, Blogger crossbearer said...

From what I've heard, it's at quite embarassing spots! Hahaha...The end is near. Lol


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