[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, July 08, 2005

It's been a long week

Yes, amen. It's been such a long week for me, despite the fact that I only had to go to school on two of the days. Oh well.

59/100 for maths. (Shock number one)
The national day preview clashes with college day (Shock number two)

Now it must be a bad coincidence that the national day preview clashes with college day. I knew things wouldn't be so smooth-sailing. It hasn't helped a bit that I'm such a workaholic, as defined by my hectic schedule, that I'm feeling quite bad about not spending that much with Victor. And just look at the staggering pile of homework that has started to accumulate - just after two days.

-GP tables to fill in
-GP essay or GP essay outline
-3D trigonometry tutorial (MATHS!)
-Gene expression tutorial (this one can wait I guess.)
-Energetics tutorial (gags)

Yes. Only after two days! Isn't it faintly reminiscent of how water rushes out of the dam just after the flood gates are opened? Only that this time, I'm just inundated with loads of work. Drowning in them already.

Maths was bad. I didn't expect myself to score so badly frankly and I was rather disappointed at my mark. I mean, 59 is hardly laudable. Starts with 5, so it has the "oh you just made it through!" implication. But I didn't. I made so many careless mistakes. Mistakes which shouldn't have been committed if only I had paid more attention and not get lost amongst all the x-es and y-es and what-have-you. Can you imagine I actually made a mistake in the proving of a sigma notation question? Horrifying. Lost out a lot of marks...Gah.

However, the worst paper has got to be biology. The most traumatic of all. And I'll get it back in two weeks time. Biology teachers must have the time of their life trying to cross out all the junk that we write on our scripts...especially mine! Bah. I didn't know half of what was going on in the structured paper, even though the paper was do-able, to say the least! It was nonetheless hard. Average mark will probably be a fail mark. Close to that of maths, I'd think.

Scored 85% for my french test. Good enough, considering all the hard work I put into it! Not like you can study for it anyway, since there are two comprehensions, one summary question, one 200 word essay question and a ten blank cloze passage. Comprehensions are much tougher than those at O level admittedly, but the summary's the worst. Take pity on me 'cause I even have to change words in french, despite my limited vocabulary. OUCH.

That's all for the week I guess. Will update more about what happens tomorrow at choir and at the informal outing with the french peeps. Ta.



At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly, i'd love to have your 59...
i got 46 which means...HAHA, you DIDN'T make it through...lousy math dummy!
i wish i had your grades..


At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muahaha... Still enjoying myself mostly because my maths results is still not yet disclosed.

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh... the above post is by Zen

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy, at least you know that your mistakes were careless ones, so it isn't really your fault ... as in, you DO know your work, so don't worry abt it, kae =D I failed math larh. and it was the only subject I thought I could scrape a pass in -bangs head on wall-

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! me and abel both did below expectations for maths too if u must know..from him, i realised that we both barely scrapped a B...=P Honestly, can't say that's a shock cos i was worried that i'll die once i finished the paper, so the shock kind of wore off by now. But it's disappointing never the less...must study more and work harder this term. I have the same homework as u too...only because i didn't do they during my june holiday...can't blame anyone but me... i am trying to work harder...Let's do it together yeah
??? I'm sure ur maths wasn't your best performance, and i felt like knocking myself on the head (as mrs lee would have said) for the catastrophic results (as mr choy would have said...afterall even he failed once right? ONCE)

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah. ur blogskin is horrible! lols..and no tagboard!..but okay lah. this comment thingy has no word limit.

anyway i got a Freakin Friggin Feckin F for Feeseeeks. -.-

ur french buddy prog thingy is cool!!!!...hahaha



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