[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

End of blocks

Finally. But frankly, I don't feel the sudden release of tension from all the studying. No "I'm free as a lark!!" thing going on in my head. In fact, I was rather sullen at the end of the biology paper. No prizes for guessing why. It was quite bad. I'd be happy to pass!! And that is based on the optimistic assumption that I'm going to fail my structured questions *decently*. I thought that was the worst section of all. Oh man, thinking about the paper just makes my insides cringe.

21st July - That'll give me some time to be prepared for the horrible results.

Song practice in the afternoon was crap. It was so...childish! Especially with the movements. But as I was the only J1 there, I guess I was the only one feeling any sort of resistance towards doing weird hand motions while singing songs like "vois sur ton chemin" and "Singapore Town". Whatever. I'll be accomodating for once. Afterall, it's part of the experience! Talking about that, the french guy is coming tomorrow!! Ohhhh man. Can't wait. This will be the first time I'll get to talk to a native french person of my age!! Yay. Ok, there was once in french class during sec two that we got to talk to a girl two years our senior. The dialogue was very much a "monologue" because our spoken french was just horrid! Imagine. I can barely speak what I consider fluent french after 4 and a half staggering years and you can extrapollate that data to my ability of spoken french when I was in sec two. There there. Not too encouraging.

SYO concert was good. It was better than I'd expected. I really enjoyed it, considering it's my first orchestra concert and it was nice seeing what I learn in theory come alive on stage with old favourites like "Blue Danube" and "Radetsky March". Hope I got the spelling right. But the programme was quite entertaining. I now have a whole new respect for Brahms and people who can play the violin really well (including mingtse!). It was amazing seeing how proficient people are at their respective instruments. It's really a tour de force for me. Shall go for more concerts to expose myself to greater varieties for music. Most importantly, I must practise practise practise. I do want to complete my diploma! At least DipABRSM. I'm not going for LRSM of FRSM (gee~!!)...just a humble diploma certificate will do, if only to prove to myself that I can play Baroque pieces! *groans*

No school tomorrow. That's always a good thing, isn't it?


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh... speakig french ah... gl.


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. you still want to pass ar...i'm of the opinion that failing is the average grade for bio...i think i'm going to die for my maths too...cos foolish me thought maths was a subject that didn't need studying...

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Wen said...

omg. u went for tat concert? aha. i almost went.. lol but i wasnt free. lol my fren plays the violin tere!!=)))


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