[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bright new day.

Alright. It's raining cats and dogs outside, but the point is, I'm feeling a lot better. I guess it must have been just the whole "friday" thing that just got the better of me. Sometimes I play along with my emotions and banish the rational side of me to God knows where. Thanks guys for the encouragement, but I've managed to put the situation into perpective. I'm glad I've got friends like you guys.

Down with the melancholic confessions of yours truly. Now for something more Yay.

Hm. I've managed to read a book during the past week despite my hectic schedule! Wooot. That's news. And that's a huuuuuge "take that!" to all who say that they have no time to read. I read "When We Were Orphans" by Kazuo Ishiguro. It's one of the times when I just pick a random book of the shelf and pray that it's a good read. Haha...turned out that it's one of the standard literature texts for A levels for Detective Literature. And no, it wasn't dreary reading it. In fact, the story is rather intriguing, considering that Mr Christopher Banks, the protagonist in the novel, has a mild Oedipus Complex. His dad left the house because he felt that he couldn't match up to his mum and his mum was abducted by a Shanghai warlord, with whom she was stuck with for the next ten years or so, being abused. However, a promise was made between his mum and the warlord that he'll finance the childhood of Christopher...And in the end, Christopher, growing to become one of the greatest detectives of all time c.f. Sherlock Holmes, went in search of his parents, thinking all the time that they were abducted. How sad was the ending when he realises that his mum has gone a little senile and was in a little church with other nuns. Sigh. There's a story about Akira too, who happens to be his friend, but that's rather unnecessary, in my opinion.

Rating for the book : 7.5/10

Not one of the books I'll read again, but I'd recommend it to people who like to read stories that have a great revelation at the end of the book, vis-a-vis Harry Potter and Dumbledore thing.


That being said, I'm going to plan out the topics that we've to cover for the promos...And start working now! Main focus is to do well for the french prelims over the next three weeks. ARGH. Even though I was awarded with an A- for my mock french oral last week, I felt that I could have done better in the topic questions section. Hm. Yvonne is such a sweetheart. She lent me a book that explains all the things to do with the baccalaureat, which is the equivalent of the A levels here. Thanks a bunch, Yvonne!

Off to start working. Mug mug mug.


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work work... 0____0

Prefer mythological books... =P


At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

je suis tupide ou quoi,j'ai ecrit tout une note pour l'annuler enfin!!!ah !!En tout css , je voulais dire que je suis content que tu as mis cette chose dans une perpective qui te convient , apres tout nous sommes toujours la pour toi pour t'ecouter,parce que toi aussi un bon ecouteur,sois sur de ça.j'ai aimé l'histoire , de fin tragique non, moi j'adore les histoire a fin tragique...Maintenant il reste a te souhaiter la meilleur chance du monde, et je parie tout le monde que tu reussiras sans aucune doute, apres tout , je n'ai jamais vu une personne aussi serieuse dans son travail comme toi...you go man lol...Et yvonne , j'etais surpris d'abors mais apres , j'ai realisé que c'est une autre yvonne /!!! bye and god bless you..

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

read trash for leisure. leave the serious thinking to literature class. heeheehee~
arh, i just went to hci today to cover their events. i WANNA go for zhongqui celebration! yes! you will see me there. :)
Zi Jie

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...you have the mood to read, sometimes too thick a book puts me off...lalala

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

haha... the one tt have no time to read is me!!! weeeee haha me always say i have no time to read... now not even done with my lit text.. bleeahhs.. :X

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea how i wish i can stay in at home and read the whole day..
prisoners get to read right? if only i can get prisoned, then i can read books the whole day in my cell



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