[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, August 19, 2005

Es-tu un vrai francophile?

I took the quiz. It said I only had "mild french fanaticism tendencies". ARGH!! I'm a francophile! I love french! I love the culture! I love the food! I love the language! I love...Oh gee. I could go on forever about the things about french culture that I adore so much. I don't just have "mild french fanaticism tendencies", thank you. I have a full-blown francophile epidemic! Ugh.

Mood swings can really spoilt one's day. Just look at what happened to me today. Trying my best to keep my spirits up (TGIF, remember?) and focussing on the lessons wasn't easy. As Georgia and I were walking back from the language centre today, she noticed that I wasn't looking as chirpy as I was. How intuitive. I thought I was adept at concealing my emotional doldrums already! Sigh. It's not just that I wasn't in a good mood in the morning, but some other rather frustrating thoughts...Thoughts that have haunted me for ages. As I read about Luna Lovegood asking Harry to help her find her bag and her belongings, I was consumed with the pain of reading how she confessed to Harry about the names people called her...of her lack of friends. Ouch. I was brimming at tears and the weirdest thing is, I was trying my very best to convince myself that I am not like Luna Lovegood and that I have friends around me. But the truth hurts at times. Went to school today and as I sat at a corner of the canteen table, eating my lunch with my classmates, I couldn't help thinking grudgingly that it is perhaps right afterall - that I have horrible social skils, that I just ain't Mr Popular.

Frankly, I've never wanted a lot of friends. I cherished my solitude - times when I could be alone, unhindered and not compelled to put up a facade. Not that I always do, but I feel obliged to meet up to other's expectations...To yield to others just so that they'll accept me. Hell. I don't even know why the hell I'm writing all this down. To console myself that hey, there's no way I can work around it? That I'm just fettered by my innate tendency to withdraw from people around me? Damn it all.

I just need a day to think it through. Personality tests can reflect who you truly are sometimes. I'm an INFJ, which according to the test, is one personality which is often misunderstood. Right. I am misunderstood. But I can't help thinking, maybe I was the culprit? Maybe I was the one pushing myself into the corner and forcing myself to live with the fact that I am an island.

"No man is an island."

I scoff.


At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Sean,je peux voir ta peine,c'est difficile comme tu le decrit.vraiment ,je ne sais pas quoi dire,surtout que je dois dire quelque chose qui te rendra a l'aise,j'espere que je reussisse.c'est pas grave,que tu n'as pas un grand nombre d'amis,ce qui compte est avoir une seule amie et un seul ami qui pourrait te rembourser cette manque de sociabilité,et je crois que tu as une amie non?!Et moi je definie la sociabilité par,la peine et l'ennuie resultant de l'obligation envers des gens qu'on n'aime pas,qui ne nous sont pas convenables.Et ca devient une maladie,ah je dois etre sociable je dois supporter tout le monde pour que les gens m'appellent enfin mr sociable cool populaire etc...Et c'est lui ce monsieur qui souffre de ce titre seul.Peut etre si tu essayes de mettre plus d'efforts , plus de volonté , et plus de flexibilité dans le proces de faire des amitiés tout en gardant des limites qui empechent enfin que tu sois derangé par ses ladite amitiés...j'espere que j'ai pas aggravé la situation avec mes paroles.Et t'en fais pas un simple test stupide ne peut jamais determiner la francophilité de personne , ni ses tendances francophones,c'est a toi de le determiner...especes de sauts vous ceux qui mettent ces testes... lol :b , j'espere que tu sois a l'aise, apres cette lecture...Et adieu , apres tout dieu connait que tu es français plus qu'un bon nombre de français :D ...bye

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

heeeyyz... actually can understand wat you mean lah... maybe it's not tt you feel tt you have no frens but... the feeling tt there is no one there when you need 'em or tt you just cant think of someone to tok to when you have to say ehz? not sure if i get it rite but i always have such feelings de... haha... and if you dun mind me always here to help you out if ever i am needed... yeah.... jiayou kz? and dun forget tt God nv leaves us.. not even for a nanosecond ;)
and btw i am an ENFJ.. haha :)

At 1:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey it's okay to feel a need to withdraw from pple sometimes. but yeah i'm still your friend haha! even though don't really get to talk to you other than wave during morning assembly -_-

At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love French cuisine, I adore French history, I revere French, I admire the French culture, and I like France. However, I dislike the French people, and I detest the French government. ;)

Does it help if I say you're not the loneliest person around? There're people like me out there, you know...

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Sean, quel est le problème?! tu n'es pas obligé d'avoir pleins d'amis tu sais! Fait toi peu d'amis, mais des BON amis ;)

And hwjy, why don't you like french gouvernement and people?!!!!!! i am sure, you have never met a French hihi you are stupid to say that... now i hate you. Sorry but i love my country and i hate all the people how say bad thinks about it.

Bye Sean et à novembre ;)


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