[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Friday, August 26, 2005


I have extremely amusing teachers. For starters, I've got the infamous Ms OAG as my chemistry teacher. Even her acronym is funny! Seriously, I don't think she conducts the best of lessons, but we always get a kick outta her pronunciation. It's a classic. Let me name you some examples.

Today, we were on the glorious topic of electrochemistry, which a good 3/4 of my class has no idea about. Suffice to say that we were lost for the majority of the lesson. I wasn't an exception either because I didn't do my tutorial and I didn't even revise the notes before the lesson...so laaadeedum, I was taking notes of her funny pronunciation.

"See the anode? The electrons come out of the iron anode. Many many. Like sheng hai zi (giving birth to children). Then, they pa pa pa (climb) up the platinised electrode then go to the nickel electrode."

"The iron here is oxi-die and the nickel is re-due."

"Oak-sidation takes place at the airrrrr-node."

Oh my goodness. Kaiqian and I were rolling off our chairs. And the all time favourite...

"Promos are coming and your class is very weak. Cham seh loh. (You're in deep trouble.) The house is going to burn. Shao shao shao (Burn, burn, burn.)"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. That was so random we were just stupefied at how she could suddenly talk about burning houses while thinking of the impending promotional exams. Yes yes. Promotional exams are coming and I'm quite confused by all the chemistry concepts. Doomed. Turned out I managed to scrape a bare pass for my class test on equilibria and kinetics. Go me! It was very difficult for me, alright! Out of 12 marks, I managed to pinch out 9 from my MCQs alone, which just goes to show how much I've been paying attention during the tutorials. Zero for my equilibria structured question. Not even half a mark for defining "dynamic equilibrium" incompletely. =((

French alumni meeting tomorrow. Yay! Can't wait. It sounds like a great deal of fun with all the song and games and all. And meeting all the francophiles!! Yippee.

Talking about french just reminds me of my french preliminary exam oral. In fact, I thought I did ok, not fantastic, but at least I managed to articulate my views quite coherently. However, my grammar really left a lot more to be desired. Even though Mme Tse was being a real sweetheart in not cringing in her seat, I could tell that my sentences were fraught with mistakes. It's not easy to answer questions like "Do you think the Olympics is necessary?" and "What is the greatest challenge the education system in France is facing now and how are they trying to overcome it?". Alright, I admit I did expect the latter question since my specialist topic (oh my goodness, sounds like Singapore's Brainest Kid!) is education reforms in France. Managed to puke out all the information that I so painfully read through over the course of the past week. Sigh. And Mr Chan had to tell me that my subject matter is too superficial only now. BIG Sigh. BIG BIG Sigh.

Oh well. It's a friday. And fridays are meant to be jovial! And filled with laughter! And partying! And *yawns*...Gee. I think I'm better off with more sleep. Those eyebags are not doing me good.


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: "What is the greatest challenge the education system in France is facing now?"

A: The fact that it is producing leaders like Jacques Chirac...

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee hee...i like the house burning down one :p maybe one of these days we should make a book entitled: ' the quirkiest quotes from teachers' and put stuff like this all inside :P making sure that we dun name the teachers of cos...^^
jia you for promos! *restrains sudden compulsion to make lame comment abt burning hses*


At 7:21 PM, Blogger catriona said...

LOL ur chem tchr reminds me of yeo ai chin from days long ago..and anyway ur oral topics sound so difficult compared to mine! haha nice seeing u on thursday btw!:)

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

haha.. she is soooo random lah... bet you all always have gd laughs during chem tutorials.. hehz.. i love mrs chan anyway.. read my blog abt it!! :):)

At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello,ah ce prof de chimie , prononce bien han!!!La pile electrochimique , ah comme c'est joli , je l'ai prise depuis deux ans , et c'est interessant.Ne t'en fais pas,le français est trop difficile comme langage surtout lorsqu'il est supplementaire...Bonne chance avec les exams , c'est la n ieme fois je crois :D , et t'as raison le vendredi doit etre toujours le meilleur de la semaine ...god bless you ...

At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

loll wish the teachers at my school were that amusing lol =]

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