[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

PW (H1) is optional.

What the friggin' pigs does that mean? Is that a joke? Seriously, it's terribly unjust when they only realised it now that Project Work is almost absolutely useless and pointless to do. And they have to make it only optional next year - when I've already completed my entire project. *pained look* I feel you all, J1s, I sincerely do. Hang in there. If there's anything, it's that there's only less than 3 months before this nightmare of writing and rewriting endless drafts of what-have-you ends. Take heart and walk away with a new vengeance.


Today was a rather eventful day. For one, swimming wasn't what we did for PE. Usually, my classmates would be waddling in the water while Jonathan, Ronald and I, due to our dismal level of fitness, redo our NAPFA tests again and again. I did that for like, ten weeks. So for all who think that floorball/soccer/netball/dance is a chore, think again. My class got the double whammy - swimming and NAPFA for the poor folks who can't get pass the pesky tests.

I can't belive I can't pass my standing broad jump and shuttle run. Shuttle run is suppose to be a giveaway test and almost everyone I know pass shuttle run. And me, I have short legs. Really Lilliputian legs, if you ask me. Which more than explains why I can't dash from one end of the hall to the other in ten blazing seconds. Darn. When I see J2s do their shuttle run in less than ten seconds, there's an unconscious thought that perhaps, just perhaps, it's in collaboration with the PE teacher-in-charge. But now, I KNOW I CAN'T RUN FOR NUTS! Urghs.

Due to the length of my legs, or lack thereof, I can't jump either. Please, I don't understand the rationale behind the standing broad jump. What's with jumping 220cm? Does it prove that you're fitter than the rest? No, it bloody doesn't. It just shows that you can jump 220cm. Period. In fact, I'm quite a fair bit away from passing and if there's any dignity in me left, it's to avoid jumping ten times in a row just to prove to everyone that "hey, I can only jump 2m." Sigh. Life really deals you some hard blows at times. Is it just me or do I hear my ego deflating in the background?


Immunology was the topic of interest for the Olympiad training today. It was great fun. Ok, not great fun as in playing Maplestory for three hours on end, but interesting enough a lecture. Unfortunately, it's not in the A level syllabus, so I won't be paying much attention to it. Perhaps just read through Campbell? Biology totally screws Physics to the floor. I'm glad I didn't do Physics A level, if not, I'll probably be cursing Newton or Faraday. And they'd be screaming from their graves at my abysmal level of understanding. Lol.


Two of the worst days of the week are down! Now for the french preliminary exam on Thursday. As long as my french doesn't desert me, I think I should be fine. For now, I'm breathing, eating and living french. Not that I eat croissants everday of course.


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i decided to give up jumping sbj and went swimming instead! it was quite fun :) anyway, i thought the optional pw is only if you repeat j1, which isn't that attractive an option. heh and chem is almost as bad as econs; bio still rocks! =D

At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell you, ours is the guinea pig batch...they always have to do this to us! it's NOT FAIR
dear me..napfa..goodluck then. actually, this is my first year really passing everything...if i can do it (you know, nay, everyone knows i suck all time at PE) you can too! and my legs are more lilliputian than yours la
bio o sounds fun..enjoy

At 11:51 PM, Blogger cruxylite said...

haha. okae. when i heard about PW being optional, i was gasping lah. like we are always the last batch to receive something bad.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'est comme tu l'as decrit injuste,savoir que quelque chose est obligatoire et puis elle sera facultative,c'est injuste.
Ecoute quant a nager je suis pire pire pire que toi,meme si j'ai de longs pieds,et je suis relativement long 175 , je crois,mais ca ne m'aide point crois moi,et pourtant ma masse est 50kg,ca aussi ne m'aide pas.
Bon,moi je mange des croissants presque regulierement quand je suis au centre ville,pourtant on les vend ici,mais je dois y etre tot pour pouvoir trouver un.
Immunoligie est le topic le plus interessant en bio,il y a eu changement ,SEAN I'M DOING LAB THAT'S MEANS LOTS OF BIO AND CHIMIE,SO YAY ...:D ..
Bonne chance avec ton preliminaire français,je suis sur que tu y reussiras.
God be with you,bye.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger lun said...

wahah..and u'll curse kirchoff and boltzmann lol. bleah cant pass napfa too cos of freekin pullups.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

heyz.. i used to die for my shuttle run too... yeaah.. you jiayou yah? and yeah i agree SBJ is dumb.. haha.. who in the world needs to be able to jump 220cm?! :S:S

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i failed my SBJ too. but heck, didnt go for retest. short by 4cm only anyway.

yea jumping far doesnt mean u're fit..... >_<



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