[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Temperature's rising.

I was suffering from a fever last night. Yes, the symptoms were there, alright. A splitting headache and the normal body aches. It was absolutely horrible. Nothing like it. I was hiding under my comforter all the time, trying in vain to keep myself warm (the irony!) amidst the chill in my room. I switch on the air-conditioner everytime I sleep you see. Furthermore, I was still haunted by the film The Maid which I watched with my RJ og mates yesterday. Left me cringing in fear and I still remember I jolted up when my brother suddenly opened the door to the room. I was that scared. ARGH. I shouldn't have watched that film - leaves me with nightmares after nightmares.

French alumni meeting yesterday was uneventful, so to speak. It was good exposure to talk to people who are doing their French A levels in VJC, like Muzhaffar. I feel so envious after realising what they do at A levels!! Sigh. I was actually quite torn between going to VJC and pursuing French A or going to RJ last year. But due to the fact that I live in a faraway land (read: bloody "ulu" Yishun), I decided to make my way to the "premier junior college in the Bishan area". Yes, we all know where that came from. Fact remains that I'm not willing to drop any of my wonderful subjects right now for french A. Have to commit myself to the choir too, now that I'm in the committee. So, french A will remain just that - a dream.

Finished my electrochemistry tutorial after two gruelling hours. Finally understood what the freakin' values mean. Yay-ness.

VC concert later. To be frank, I wasn't very keen on going to the concert, considering my hectic schedule of tests next week and the amount of tutorials that have accumulated over August, so I was hoping to spend my Sunday, faithfully at my desk and mugging away. However, since most of the choir people are going, might as well go and listen to them sing. I prefer VJC though. Anytime.

Inherited change awaits me. Ta.


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mais ,ca me surpris tu sais quoi,qu'on sois derangé d'une chose et on la fait encore,mais si tu es terrifié par,les films d'horreurs , pourquoi tu les vois lol!!??
Ah le reve français , c'est domage vraiment,le niveau A est le plus oui ?je ne sais , mais le français est seduisant lol...
Et tres bien que tu as compris l'electrochimie,ca demande seulement un peu d'effort..
Et je dois dire que ton prof est vraiment rogolo ...papapa :D ...
bonne chance , et adieu

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey do take care of yourself ok? haha falling sick is bad...

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my gosh..
pls take care!

hmm i thought the concert was just okay.

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dat was me

At 8:59 PM, Blogger iCe said...

Take care of yourself...as a late response to your ealier post, yes in the first few months of JC I had hoped to 'fit in' too. But I couldn't do it. Going for endless class outings and gatherings just isn't me. I prefer going out with a few really close friends, those whom you are quite sure you would still keep in touch with after you leave school. Cherish your close friends. I always preferred having close friends to having class spirit. Cause according to experience, class spirit is something that will diminish after the class separates.
And OAG is a SCREAM! I got her for my first chem lecture!!! Hahahahahahahaha.....


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