[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ogle at Google.

Frankly, Google never fails to amaze me with the myriad services it provides - and for the most part, they are completely free! Yes yes...according to economic theory, there's no such thing on earth as a "free lunch", but hark all ye who listen! It's absolutely free. NO need to pay a single cent. NO need to sacrifice anything to use google. Aren't you amazed yet? OK. Perhaps there's the opportunity cost of spending the time to revise your work *coughs*I should!*coughs*, but then again, who could ever complain about using Blogger or even Google Talk? They're awfully easy to learn and they're easy on the eyes too! Far lesser cock-ups than MSN messenger.


I haven't been very productive or efficient (pun not intended) over the past few days in terms of my revision. If anything, my revision is crawling at an unbelievably slow pace. My usual routine includes waking up right smack in the middle of the afternoon with the sun scorching a patch on my thigh, followed by wasting a good one hour doing absolutely nothing. Oh my goodness. Those words should be considered Taboo. Yes, with a capital T at that! I mean, it's three friggin' weeks to the promos and I'm here mindlessly staring into space? What is wrong with me? Sometimes I think even my brain has been rewired to the extent that I can't even be rational (again, pun not intended).

As you can obviously tell from the number of puns that can be played from the countless words above, I've been studying nothing but the brainchild of our dear Adam Smith, economics. And oh do I looooovvvve the subject. Have I told you? It's my favourite subject of all. And don't come at me with the "you are so full of sacarsm!" crap 'cause I mean it. Economics rocks my world. WAHAHAHA. Spent a good 40 minutes reading about the indifference analysis when it's not even in the syllabus. That's why I should guard myself against Sloman because it's just too interesting that I get so easily distracted from what I'm actually supposed to study.

Well, just studying economics isn't going to save pitiful me. So, I decided to do chemistry MCQs! And I've completed every single how-much-aluminium-is-produced-at-the-cathode question! YAY-ness. I was close to prancing about the room when I finished all the MCQs for the J1 topics. Except introduction to organic chemistry. But that's because I can't understand chirality for nuts. Still, all the rest! Go figure.

I should come up with a timetable to slavedrive myself tomorrow. If not, I'll never be able to finish in time for the promos. God knows how many closet muggers there are in hc. More than just a couple of them, that's for sure!


I've completed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Finally! I know I'm quite a slow reader but my lame excuse is that I want to savour every bit of the story. Haha...Yes. Just like how you're supposed to drink your tea! The book is engaging as it manages to bring you through all the answers to the questions posed in the previous books, much noticeably Order of the Phoenix. And I love the bit about the Horcruxes. Tsk tsk. And to think Dumbledore died for nothing. Just because someone had already taken the real Horcrux! What the!! I was so sad when I read about the bit about Dumbledore dropping off the side and down to the bottom. Not forgetting that it was Snape who killed him. UGH.

Oh. The bit about Harry and Ginny was nice to know too! Haha...Considering Ginny had already had a crush on him ever since he set foot into the Burrow. Haha!

Now on to Madame Bovary, for more serious reading. And incidentally, it's one of the set literature texts for the French A level. My friend has chosen it for the exam and she's going to read the original french version. Can everyone please gasp audibly at the count of three. The language is rather advanced already considering it's in English. I can't imagine reading the french one! But oh well. Brave souls are all around us. I applaud your effort, Georgia! =)) Good going!


Tomorrow, I will mug. I must mug.

Ok. If that sounded anything like a resolution.


At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know for nat day, nj gave us MUGS? with 'NATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE' imprinted indeed.

do they have to make the underlying meaning so damn OBVIOUS?lol.

jiayou alright!

At 3:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah , hello, vraiment je ne sais pas pourquoi je deteste harry potter, et excuse si tu es offensé,c'est pas mon intention,ce que je veux dire est que c'est bizarre pour moi , !!!et madame bovary est tres interesant,lis la , en français , c'est pas tellement difficile, et il y a une bonne conclusion a en tirer.
bonne chances avec l'horaire que tu vas faire pour organiser le temp,souvent ca echoue avec moi...
Et tu as raison,parfois la tete se bloque ,et se met en distance de tout ce qui est logique...
good luck , take care ...


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