[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'être obligé d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Productivity all-time high.

Yes. I managed to study a lot more today! =)) I'm infinitely happy! Finally, a day filled with mugging. Perhaps one of the reasons is because it was raining almost the whole of the afternoon? Pretty sleep-inducing, but I was so frustrated over chiral carbons I just couldn't get myself to take a nap.

List of tests tomorrow:
Biology SPA
Chemistry lecture test (mcq)
Chemistry independent learning test

I'm sooooo not looking down on the independent learning test now. Haha...Studied quite hard for it. Not like there's a lot anyway, but still...The fact that I scored a measly 9/15 for the last test just shows that I have to work harder. And everyone almost scored full marks! Eeps.


I've made a fantastic discovery. Behold the podcasts. Oh my goodness. I'm having so much fun subscribing to all the podcasts I can get my hands on. Hahaha...Love it. For all you out there who have not a clue as to what a podcast is, it's basically like an online radio, just that the information comes in files that you can automatically get when you update your podcasts in iTunes. YES. iTunes rocks. There's nothing like it. And furthermore, it's perfectly compatible with my iPod mini. Hahaha...sounds darn narcissistic...with all the "I"s before the words. iPod, iTunes, iRock. LOL.


Two weeks to promos. And I'm still here. *screams*


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah je suis tres desolé pour les trucs qu'on va faire avec ton ancien ecole,c'est blanc, et je trouve que toutes les ministeres d'education font le pire,vraiment c'est marrant.Je te souhaite la meilleur chance avec tes exams , et surtout avec l'economie que tu aimes le plus,et promos dans deux semaines ,c'est genial , on a besoin de photos et trop de description ...best of luck ...bye...bye, ah , seulement je veux te dire qu'on est porche de gagner le championnat asiatique dans le basket,hier on vient de vaincre hong kong, et avant hier l'inde :D ...et prie pour nous qu'on gagne ...

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Edmund said...

yoz.. relax lah.. it's ... er... JUST promos... rite? :X:X haha kiddinz.. jiayou jiayou!! dun stress out though :)


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