[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

One last massacre - in 15 hours.

Down to the final paper!! Woohoo!! Actually, I'm not even sure whether I should be on knees bawling my eyes out or leaping for joy because one, I think I screwed up chemistry for good this time round. Say bye-bye to the chem "S" paper. Two, it's biology tomorrow and I'm suffering from Information Overload. Time to convince myself that I am going to be pass biology with a C tomorrow. At least. Or so I hope.

Maths turned out better than I thought! For once, I wasn't stoning in front of my paper, thinking how on earth people actually turn into mathematicians. That word should be censored. Good golly! All the tanx and secx and and...

Well. 'Nuff said about maths. I think if I don't make those careless mistakes that creep in from nowhere, I should be able to secure at least a C for maths this time round. One giant creep from the promos exterminated. Go me.

Then again, they say "promos are evil". How true - especially when you see the devilish level of the chemistry paper today. *rolls eyes* It was what I would call "a moment to remember". So deja vu, like my Geography O levels. Everything goes into a blur, you wonder why the hell you studied so hard for when you don't even have time to write down everything you know and you just feel like dying on the spot when the teacher announces oh-so-calmly over the mike that "you have 15 minutes left." My heart literally skipped a beat then. From that moment on, it was just a mad rush of words. Spamming as many things as I can before time runs out. There goes my paper. There goes my effort in sustaining at least an A average for chem CA. Great. Freakin' jump over the moon moment.

French was comparatively better. Monsieur Kou was a charm in asking such "easy" questions.

Do you think the youths in Singapore are particularly apathetic about politics? Is it a problem with the education system?

Stun number two...

You mentioned reforms in France. Do you think all the educational reforms make sense? What do you think about the streaming exam at primary 4 and at secondary two? Are they effective and beneficial for all students?

From then on, I can only remember myself going "dies. dies. dies. dies." and my speech became very much garbled and my grammar was so horrid I think my other examiner just cringed on the spot. She didn't ask a single question. Just sat down there and stared, penning notes from time to time. Something tells me there was much more to her stare. Glare really!

Oh well. That being that, monsieur actually said "c'est bon. merci!" (that's good. thank you.) at the end of the oral exam - which makes me half suspect whether he said it to half the other candidates as well! Haha...you never know. That false sense of security can actually prove to be a deceitful friend...making you think you made it when you actually didn't.

=)) Biology. I should smile more. Makes the tension go away. Indeed. =))

Hope I can pull through tomorrow's paper in one piece. No more screw ups.

I'm trying to talk to keep the tension away.


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