[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Saturday, June 21, 2008

catching up.

People keep asking me what I'm doing this holidays and sadly, I don't have much to say about it!

I only realised this really tragic fact when I went out with HL the other day. She offered to give me a treat after getting not only a physiology distinction viva, but a chance at the physio competition and dean's list as well. So, it was basically a "thank you" treat.

Sometimes I really wonder what it takes to make a person feel appreciated. I, for one hand, think that HL really went out of her way to give me a treat and give me all that presents and all that, but it really felt nice to know that someone appreciates what you have done for them in that one year. I haven't made many real friends in med school and this time, I'm sure it's just me. I like to stick alone. My OG is nice and all, but somehow, they just tend to bond better? AH. Blame it on me, thank you very much.

So, I got to know HL so much better - her worries, her own expectations...and I realised she's just like the rest of us. I use to venerate her, but now, I realised that she's just one extremely capable lady. Ah well. So much for being star struck and all.


We had a family portrait taken today at Hougang. I miss having everyone together again - just like CNY. And it's pretty memorable for my mum since she's finally graduated after 7 years at the Open U. She took many breaks to take care of us kids of home when we were facing important exams like A levels, PSLE and what not, so I'm really proud of her. Imagine writing 1000++ word essays on top of work! I can't even finish my freakin' readings sometimes.


One more month of holidays to go! I'm going to earn myself some money. :) Yet, I'm filled with trepidation about M2, what with the lack of the 4 month break again and the fact that I'm yet one step closer to working my ass off at the hospital - forever.