[the voice within]

Je me presse de rire de tout, de peur d'ĂȘtre obligĂ© d'en pleurer. -Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Managed to slog it out at my desk today and finished quite a bit of work! I'm very satisfied with myself, despite the fact that I'm as bushed as nuts now. The only thing on my mind is "I've gotta read Dreamcatcher." Lol!

Through all the revision though, I can't help but have this nagging thought about plans - those to tackle the emotional low that comes so often when you realise that even when you've tried your best, you still don't do well. I had one of those long chats with myself just before the O level results were released. I mean, c'mon. The O levels meant 4 years of oppression and hard work in the school. Mav once put it as, "the school that is as good as a prison". Something along that line. Very apt indeed. Anyway, I digress. Thing is, I can't help feeling the sense of dread that comes with receiving the results. The confirmation of how well you've done. I'm in no way a perfectionist, but I do set standards for myself. They're not high, I think, especially in comparison to some of my peers. *rolls eyes* But I try my best. No regrets after the exams. Even if it means scoring a loud and happy F for maths at the end of the day, I don't think I'll bawl for a year and a half before working hard again for the A levels. Damn. It's just the promos! Why am I getting so uptight about it all?

Promos. Just the promos.

Tomorrow will be another day.

Another day closer to the promos, that is.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Ok. I'm seriously in a state of utter panic. I can feel myself losing my state of mind. Even as I sit here, a war is raging in me. I can't face the hard fact - Promos in a good 7 days! *runs amok in the room* ARRRRRGH!!

Tried a revision lecture MCQ today. And I can't friggin' remember some of the concepts, especially periodicity 2. It was just so...ego-bruising that I couldn't help but change my schedule for tomorrow to revision for chemistry topics. Last attempt! I must get them all in and not lose them. I think I'm having a major memory retention problem. You know what they say about Alzheimer's hitting young kids like me nowadays! Can hardly remember what I studied 10 minutes ago! Gee. This is bad. I had better isolate myself (ooo! speciation comes to mind!) and mug mug mug!! Must do well for the promos. Must do well for the promos.

Ok. Enough of the self-psyching up. Thing is, I don't think I really have much time left to study all the topics I wanted to study again. Big mamas like market structures deserve a second look. Oh well. I think I'll leave that for another day.

And my french has got to clash with chemistry - with Biology the next day. WOW WEE! More time wasted!

=(( This augurs bad news. And I don't think I need to see a shrink to know that I'm losing my sanity, albeit slowly!

Please let me have superhuman powers. If only for a week!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So you want to be a doctor?

Alright. There hasn't been anything blog-worthy to post about lately...since my life is revolved around mugging tutorials and revising the plethora of notes strewn all over my desk. The mere sight of the notes makes me want to roll over and die. I was flipping through my organiser just yesterday and it only dawned on me then how dangerously close the promotional exams are. Just a week away! I'm starting to get The Drive - only a matter of whether it's too late or not. I actually looked forward to mugging in school after lessons! Just imagine. If only I'd gotten that earlier...perhaps I'd finish more revision?

Trawling the internet as usual when I returned home in the evening when I chanced upon a lovely site with a forum that's actually updated frequently. I was just browsing the net for information of med school and when I saw this, I couldn't stop. I had to read from page one to page 17 of the forum. LOL. The information was helpful, no doubt...I've gained newfound inspiration. Long run goals and short term goals.

Short term goals - Score decent grades for the promotional exams. (No Ds and below hopefully? That applies to maths as well! =D)
Long term goal - Get into med school.

It won't be easy. But i'm giving it my best shot! Yay. Come to think of it, I do want it quite bad. But I won't cry myself a river a la Justin Timberlake if I fall short. I'll prolly scuttle off to do something with my econs.


Finished my photosynthesis tutorial! ENOUGH of photosystems and enough spelling frightfully long words. You know what they say about the ribulose biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase. Good heavens. Fourteen syllables!! And that's one enzyme out of...what, 20? Be brave, all who are currently assimilating the many mysteries of photosynthesis. Not long more to go and you can burn all the plants in your house. Who friggin' cares. For now, it's the "3 stage mantra". Lol.


What with French AO oral on the same day as maths? And of all papers, it has gotta be "my goodness, I can't do half the questions"-maths! Boohoohoo. Sobs sobs sobs. What to do? Now in my desperate attempt (to not much avail, sadly!) to recover my standard of spoken french, I've resorted to dragging Georgia to practise with me! Forget the stuttering on my part like some retarded kid and what you have is a helpful practice session. Really! I even have my dictionary armed to handle tough words like "sceptical" and "crush". HA! Thanks Georgia! =))


Tomorrow I shall be more productive. At this rate, perhaps I won't have to go on a 48 hour study marathon during the weekends to finish up my revision! I can settle with a 40 hour one! Yippee! *tries in vain to sound ecstatic at the bleak proposition of having to burn away the weekends right in front of my eyes*

No pain, no gain. I can only hope.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Attack of the mozzies

ARGH!! My leg has been ravaged by mosquitoes! And that is even when I'm sleeping in an air-conditioned room at night. GEE. Those mosquitoes must be secretly breeding in the damp corners of my brother's table (God knows what he has in there!) and then launching a mass blood-siphoning attack on my poor lil feet! I can just picture those sneaky mosquitoes happily sucking away...while I suffer from the itch the day after. I've been scratching the bites since morning and they just don't seem to go away. *pulls hair in rage*

This is not good. What with the "dengue fever" epidemic going around...what if I'm a victim? *gasps* I don't want my efforts to go down the drain! Not two bloody weeks before the promos. Please please please...

That being said, I spent my whole afternoon trying to solve math problems. After completing the paper, albeit failing miserably, I figured that the only sole reason for the existence of maths is to make lives of pitiful individuals like me more difficult. C'mon! I'll never go "oh! I think I need sinx-siny of apples! No wait. It's sin2x - cos 2x. Hm. Should I differentiate the equation to find out the optimum number of apples to buy?" ARGH. I wish maths could just...disappear into nothingness! And leave me alone! GRRR. And oh yes. Complex maths sums are such an understatement.

So, after surviving the major ego bruise from the maths paper, I decided that it's time for the piano! Managed to file up my scores into neat files. HA! No more turning the whole cupboard down just to find my "Sundial Dreams" score. No more "Bad girl, Sandy! How could you chew up my score to bits?". No more irritating pages flying off the piano. NO MORE. I've had enough! So, off into the files they go! whee.

Alright. Maths is done. Now for my other subjects. Like econs. I just wish I can pass my maths with a C or a D. Not a loud and happy F, will do.

I'm not greedy, am I?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Maths or PW? Hm.

Tough choice I'd say! It's really a classic case of stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. Both really don't appeal to me much. I mean, can you even comprehend the abstractness of calculus? Or would you rather spend your whole day doing a bloody project that doesn't seem to be beneficial to your life in any way - besides helping you to waste more time and to give you an excuse to not study.

That's what my PW ST asked my group-mate today as she was copying integration notes. HA. He went, "If you want to do maths, then don't come to...college!" Ha. I'm rather positive he wanted to append "pw lesson" at the end. But frankly, if he asked us that question, the entire class will definitely choose pw over maths. Let's face it. Project Work has almost no pragmatic value! What's the use of Project Work? At least with maths, you can open up more paths when you enter university. Project Work? What? Yeah right I'm going to do a major in "project work skills" - and end up appending BPW (Bachelor of project work studies) to my name. *YAWNS* I can't wait to be rid of project work - for good. To my dear juniors who are probably not going to experience the turmoil of having to plough through endless drafts of practically useless evaluations and whatnot, be glad. Be very glad. I can't think of a better way to waste time than to do project work in junior college. Seriously. Even maths doesn't seem so much of a torture! That's very telling, in my case!

Having said that, I'm glad it's a friday. So nothing can get me down. Not even the crappy PW lesson I had today which qualified as the lousiest lesson of the week. I should start a list for that. Hey wait. PW tops the charts everytime!!

Sudden revelations are startling. Not this one though! HEH.

Georgia, my french classmate, officially made the quote of the day! Yay!

Me, "Especially when it's raining, it's not safe to cross the big plain over there. Even if you have an umbrella at hand. No, especially if you have an umbrella at hand."

She, "Hm. But it's quite dangerous."

Me, "What is?"

She, "The workers!"

A little background information on this one. Before you can actually get to the language centre, it's necessary to cross this big span of land with a straight concrete path that joins the McDonald's at the end nearer the bus interchange to the road facing the language centre. However, as of late, there's some construction going on adjacent to the path. So, naturally, there were some "temporary shelters", I suppose, built next to the path, albeit seperated by a drain that's situated rather threateningly close to the path. (I've always secretly wondered if any blur sec one or two boy/girl has ever fallen in and got stuck there, all the while wailing for help but to no avail. HA! I have issues. I've told you. =D)

So, naturally, I was expecting a more plausible and logical answer like "lightning" in the midst of a heavy thunderstorm. And she actually said the workers. LOL// So telling of her! Haha...I was almost rolling over in fits when she said that. How can the workers do us any harm? Throw forks and spoons across the drain and hit you at the side of your head? *a very flummoxed yours truly*


French LEP is going to be introduced next year in the language centre. WHAT THE HELL. If I hadn't chosen economics, I would have done french LEP. Anytime! Oh well. Georgia and Bryan's mighty pissed about it since they have to self study the french literature texts while the lucky J1s who choose to enrol themselves for such an enriching programme will find themselves tackling the relatively easier option of "Civilisation", where you are required to write a 2000 word long essay on any topic (theoretically, it can be anything. Even if you examine why french people behave the way they do!) and hand it in at the end of the two year course. HOW difficult can that be? You have two whole years to write and rewrite and to edit your essay until it's perfect from head to tail. Sigh. Go Georgia and Bryan! You guys are very brave and I admire you guys a lot. I wouldn't have guts to read so much on my own! =))

Oh. And get over the french LEP thing. I know the thousand bucks is quite hard to forget...but Georgia, you already have a thousand bucks from the Chinese LEP! Haha...Bryan, too bad. HAHA. Just kidding. Just enjoy the course, really! =))


I mugged very little today. Shall mug econs tomorrow and biology on sunday. Thank God for weekends. Really. Thank God.

Thursday, September 15, 2005



Since when did such a word become associated with negative ideas of a person being excessively obsessed with studying? Afterall, isn't that what we're supposed to do as students? I wish I knew myself. Having being (*surprise surprise!*) labelled as by my peers more than once, I wonder if they really mean it in jest. C'mon. Most of you guys know I'm not one. I slack more than the average joe and believe me - I spend less time studying than some of the more hardworking peeps in the class. So, just cut the crap and let me lead my life, alright?

I can't really blame them for labelling me a "mugger". I love my subjects, as most of you should know by now. At least I feel like I'm learning something at school and that I'm not just attending school just for the mere obligation of it all. Yes, from time to time, I do feel that school and tutorials can be such a b*tch...but at least that I haven't let that monster manifest itself for quite sometime now. Rather a feat. Perhaps it's because I'm from RV. OHHHH gee. You have no idea what life is like there. *rolls eyes*

Hallmark of a mugger: Have the Sloman (economics) textbook in front of him even as he types this blog entry.

I like to contradict myself. LOL//


Yet through it all, I think that I'm at least more appreciative of what I have and what I can do. For starters, I'm in love with all the choir songs I've sung over the past four years in RV. That's perhaps one of the saving graces in RV. The choir has taught me so much! And I miss them so - requiem, phantom of the opera, les miserables and even "all my trials". I can fondly remember singing them as a choir in my mind...they seem so vivid, like the performance was just yesterday and I'm suffering from post-concert blues. Haha...Can you believe it if I told you I played "all my trials" like 4 times and each time I sang along, I felt like crying. Yes. I'm such a wimp. Crying at the piano!! Just imagine that. Sometimes you just feel so burdened...and when you sing such songs...it just hits you how apt it all is!

All my trials, Lord, soon be over.

I've printed out the DipABRSM repertoire list! Go me!! That's a baby step to doing my diploma for piano performance. Can't do the teaching diploma nor the directing diploma 'cause I'm underaged. *rolls eyes* Like you really need to be at least 18 years old to pass the diploma! I've heard of people who have done and successfully passed their diploma when they were 13! Lol. Most of the pieces in the list are waaaaaay outta my league, especially the Beethoven sonatas. *shudders* Being the optimistic me, I surfed www.sheetmusicarchive.net in search of the Appasionnata. GOODNESS!! My eyes were getting cramps just from figuring out all the notes that are strewn all over the sonata. They're everywhere. And that's not the end of it. The sonata is ten(!!) pages long. Cue: utter shock. Gershwin, here I come!! =))


Madame Bovary is one big psycho. She flirts with all the men in the village. Yes, I do mean all - well, except for the apothecary, I think. But can't blame her 'cause he's really uncouthed in his ways. Then again, can you believe she actually tried to elope with another man when she's already got a daughter? And her husband is actually a doctor who's in debt. That sounds seriously wrong. A doctor in debt? How can a doctor be in debt? A doctor earns big fat cash! Well, most of the time, at least.

I can't wait to see why she actually committed suicide at the end. Haha. A sudden image of Charles Kingshaw flashed right in front of me. I actually felt sorry for him at the end of the novel...especially when Mrs Woon was doing the analysis. She was really into the book, I tell you! Raving mad...and she was getting all flushed in the face because she was so agitated. I'll never forget that lesson!


I think my entries are starting to get boring. I should blog less - and study more. Isn't that the natural corollary? Leisure and study, I mean. ACK. I'm NOT a mugger!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Miracles do happen.

Amen. They do.

Guess what? I didn't have to swim for the friggin' 11th week! Haha...aren't you all dying to find out how I managed to evade the whole swimming module while you guys are desperately trying to cook up lame excuses just to stay out of the frigid waters? Here's the survival guide to "Surviving YOUR swimming module".

Step one: Fail your NAPFA - I don't suppose that's very difficult for the guys considering how high the standards are for passing. 220cm just to pass your standing broad jump. I shudder at the thought.

Step two: Retake your NAPFA - Yes. I trained and I retook it. Despite the fact that I managed to cling on to the bar after ten jumps and pulled myself up 5 times, I still failed my other sections. Just goes to show that pull-ups isn't everything. ARGH. I'm still angry over the whole "standing broad jump is a good form of assessment" issue. =((

Step three: Retake your NAPFA for another 9 weeks - Haha. Isn't that plain easy?

Step four: On to the new game! - Woohoo~ Congratulations! You've made it through without even having to stick your pinky in the water! =)) Now on to another game for the term.

Now now. Isn't that going to be a bestseller! Girls never have to worry 'cause they can always use that as a reason every four weeks. But guys...hahaha. Tough luck! Just gotta bank on this tried-and-proven strategy.

There's no such thing as a free lunch...and this applies in this situation as well. Sometimes, I fail to understand why I say the stupidest of things. For example, I had to add the clause, "Can I repeat my swimming module next time?" ARGH!! It was my conscience speaking!! NOOOO. The moment I said it, I had an epiphany - those kind that hit you on the head and suddenly thunder and lightning starts raging in the background and a doomsayer-like voice laughing maniacally away 'cause you know you've made a major (in this case almost life-threatening) faux pas. Thank you. All my efforts gone down the drain. And I only have myself to thank. *pats myself on the back*


I saw another RV girl on the street today. She looks like she's in secondary two. I can't believe she's going to be in that eyesore of a uniform for another good 5 years. HAHAHAHA. Almost laughed my head off at the thought of it. Trapped in there!! For worse!!


On to a more serious note. Assembly today was more of dealing with the canteen matters and it was headed by Mr Pang, our discipline master. He's hilarious and I'm glad the school's actually doing something about the canteen. In some other schools *coughSSSS*, I hardly think the school could care two hoots about the kind of food one is getting in the canteen - hair and all. Go Mr Pang! =))

It was shortly followed by the dean giving another speech about whether we actually deserve such an amelioration of the facilities. Well, in my opinion, most of the students here are indeed deserving. We can't just deny that fact just because of a few isolated cases of "wet tissue paper in the toilets" which are probably committed by a few students who have frighteningly infantile minds. Can you believe it? 17 year olds still playing in the toilet? Oh give me a break. They really should just grow up.

Later, he proceeded to talk about how the people who "skipped the EEP for no reason at all have been blacklisted". Great. I'm one of them. However, I'd like to impress on you readers that I didn't "pon". I was genuinely sick. But not to the extent that I had to see a doctor. You guys know what I mean. Didn't see a need to spend 20 bucks anyway. Could have used those money to buy a new CD! Like Carrie Underwood's new and upcoming album! But that, again, is on a random sidenote.

I digress.

I only skipped the last day. And I was genuinely sick. Only that the fact that I couldn't produce a "medical certificate" just makes me a delinquent, giving no respect to the amount of effort that the teachers put in to organise such a programme for us.

Please do not be deluded to think that I'm deriding the school or anything. I'm not. I love the school and I appreciate what the teachers have done. This, however, does not mean that I am happy about the fact that I've been "blacklisted" and "will be put off all programmes" and might not have a chance to take my "S papers" anymore. ARGH. I hate to sound agitated, like I can't take up full responsibility for my actions, but seriously. I think that the school is just getting way too uptight about the whole matter, partially due to the fact that it creates a bad impression on outside organisations. Fine. We have to bear the full cost of the programme as a punishment. But being blacklisted? And robbed of future chances? C'mon! People make mistakes and I don't think it's fair to have to be compromised on so much just because of missing ONE DAY of the programme - without the cover of a "medical certificate" by a qualified doctor. *pained look* That really put me off the whole day after the assembly. *hollers*

I'm just going to have to pray that my conduct pulls me through. Ugh. Put that off my mind for awhile now that I've typed it all out.


Managed to mug a total of 15 minutes in school after CT session before taking a siesta for 45 minutes! I couldn't resist the urge to close my eyes. Felt like there were lead weights attached to my upper eyelids! UGH. Woke up at 4.15pm only to realise that there was not going to be any Biology Olympiad training. =( So I just stayed behind to finish up more revision on biology before leaving for home at approximately 5.30pm. Ha! Resolution, baby!


Tomorrow's going to be a better day. AMEN!

Monday, September 12, 2005

First day of school

Today went fine. I think even the weather was in my favour. =) How nice. It was drizzling at first in the late afternoon, after which it started to rain cats and dogs just as I was about to go for french. Lol. Turned out I had to walk as quickly as I could for fear of being struck by lightning. Knowing the science behind how lightning works didn't really help. I could actually see the flashes of lightning in the distant horizon. Can you imagine that? Gee. Scared the hell out of me.

Anyway, highlight of today was...the release of my french prelim results!! Yay!! I scored a miraculous 86/100!! WOOOOOT. I was extremely shocked when I received my papers. I almost fainted when I saw that I managed to score 22/25 for listening when it was so bloody difficult that I thought I was sitting for Greek listening or something. Turned out my essay was marked super leniently...plus my comprehension, which I was counting on to pull my grade up, didn't fail me. Scored 37.5/40 for that section. YAY-ness. But Orlanda's going to get the ambassador's prize or something. That prize is the most prestigious study award given to foreign language students here and they usually judge you based on your 'AO' prelim result. She managed to score 91/100. Or thereabouts I think. But still!! 91 marks...leaves me breathless. There were of course other people who scored well in certain sections as well, like Bryan who scored 88/90 for oral when I only managed to utter as much as I could in my sub-standard french, earning me a pathetic 68/90. LOL. Oh well. I'm just very very very very very thankful that I managed to bag an A1 this time round. How satisfying. Now to pull off the same feat for my "AO" french exam. The real deal this time round.


Swimming test tomorrow. I've decided that I'm just going to go there and drown myself or something. At best, I'd be waddling in the water, thrashing about for dear life. The prospect of me ever passing the swimming test by tomorrow is bleak. Don't even propose the idea of me even passing the treading water part...which is apparently the easiest of them all. *sigh* When will I ever get down to learning how to swim proficiently?

I've been dreading tomorrow ever since yesterday. Well, there's nothing like waiting for your own doom, huh? Just a taste of how it feels like to stand before the gallows, knowing that your life is going to end with a *thud*. Literally and figuratively.


And I can hardly get myself to calm down even now!! ARGH!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Productivity all-time high.

Yes. I managed to study a lot more today! =)) I'm infinitely happy! Finally, a day filled with mugging. Perhaps one of the reasons is because it was raining almost the whole of the afternoon? Pretty sleep-inducing, but I was so frustrated over chiral carbons I just couldn't get myself to take a nap.

List of tests tomorrow:
Biology SPA
Chemistry lecture test (mcq)
Chemistry independent learning test

I'm sooooo not looking down on the independent learning test now. Haha...Studied quite hard for it. Not like there's a lot anyway, but still...The fact that I scored a measly 9/15 for the last test just shows that I have to work harder. And everyone almost scored full marks! Eeps.


I've made a fantastic discovery. Behold the podcasts. Oh my goodness. I'm having so much fun subscribing to all the podcasts I can get my hands on. Hahaha...Love it. For all you out there who have not a clue as to what a podcast is, it's basically like an online radio, just that the information comes in files that you can automatically get when you update your podcasts in iTunes. YES. iTunes rocks. There's nothing like it. And furthermore, it's perfectly compatible with my iPod mini. Hahaha...sounds darn narcissistic...with all the "I"s before the words. iPod, iTunes, iRock. LOL.


Two weeks to promos. And I'm still here. *screams*

Friday, September 09, 2005

My alma mater going IP?

So. It's been confirmed in the news that my alma mater, River Valley High School, is going IP, meaning that students will no longer have to take the O levels (oh good riddance!) and they'll proceed to tackle the infinitely more important A levels at the end of a staggering 6 years in the school.

6 years. That's six bloody long years.

It wasn't really a long time ago that I was in the school, complaining endlessly about how draconian the school is like, how conservative everyone is and just how plain ugly and unsightly the uniform is. Oh gee. It does seem like a long time now when I come to think of it. Days gone by. It's almost as if I've moved on all too quickly. And it's only been what, 9 months?

Frankly, the last time I heard about the school contemplating such a preposterous idea was about 5 months back, when I was engaging in a rather random conversation with one of my friends in hwachong. We were talking about how RV is so different from everything it is now (not that it's all that bad now. In fact, I'm loving it! Nope. That's not a hook for Mcdonalds.) and somehow the topic about RV wanting to chomp up the poor little primary school next door just to make space for the extra two years of students popped up in the middle of the conversation. It left me as shocked then as I am now that the school is really going for it. I mean, how on earth are they going to accomodate so many people in the tiny school? I don't mean to demean my school unnecessarily, but my school just happens to be that small. Let's face it. No point going ga-ga over Chinese High 'cause we'll never be that humungous. Even the college isn't as big!

Also, just where are all the extra teachers going to pop up from? The herb garden?? A levels, is very unfortunately, a lot more difficult than O levels. O levels is merely the tip of the iceberg. A levels is the real monster lurking in the background. C'mon! I'm sure you'll have to retrain many of the teachers there to manage the new A level syllabus - what with the H1, H2 and H3 crap. (I still bear a grudge against the ministry for making PW optional. But that's random again.)

So many problems await the school. I can't wait to see how they come up with manageable and feasible solutions. Aha! The subconscious effects of PW. How sneaky.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ogle at Google.

Frankly, Google never fails to amaze me with the myriad services it provides - and for the most part, they are completely free! Yes yes...according to economic theory, there's no such thing on earth as a "free lunch", but hark all ye who listen! It's absolutely free. NO need to pay a single cent. NO need to sacrifice anything to use google. Aren't you amazed yet? OK. Perhaps there's the opportunity cost of spending the time to revise your work *coughs*I should!*coughs*, but then again, who could ever complain about using Blogger or even Google Talk? They're awfully easy to learn and they're easy on the eyes too! Far lesser cock-ups than MSN messenger.


I haven't been very productive or efficient (pun not intended) over the past few days in terms of my revision. If anything, my revision is crawling at an unbelievably slow pace. My usual routine includes waking up right smack in the middle of the afternoon with the sun scorching a patch on my thigh, followed by wasting a good one hour doing absolutely nothing. Oh my goodness. Those words should be considered Taboo. Yes, with a capital T at that! I mean, it's three friggin' weeks to the promos and I'm here mindlessly staring into space? What is wrong with me? Sometimes I think even my brain has been rewired to the extent that I can't even be rational (again, pun not intended).

As you can obviously tell from the number of puns that can be played from the countless words above, I've been studying nothing but the brainchild of our dear Adam Smith, economics. And oh do I looooovvvve the subject. Have I told you? It's my favourite subject of all. And don't come at me with the "you are so full of sacarsm!" crap 'cause I mean it. Economics rocks my world. WAHAHAHA. Spent a good 40 minutes reading about the indifference analysis when it's not even in the syllabus. That's why I should guard myself against Sloman because it's just too interesting that I get so easily distracted from what I'm actually supposed to study.

Well, just studying economics isn't going to save pitiful me. So, I decided to do chemistry MCQs! And I've completed every single how-much-aluminium-is-produced-at-the-cathode question! YAY-ness. I was close to prancing about the room when I finished all the MCQs for the J1 topics. Except introduction to organic chemistry. But that's because I can't understand chirality for nuts. Still, all the rest! Go figure.

I should come up with a timetable to slavedrive myself tomorrow. If not, I'll never be able to finish in time for the promos. God knows how many closet muggers there are in hc. More than just a couple of them, that's for sure!


I've completed Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Finally! I know I'm quite a slow reader but my lame excuse is that I want to savour every bit of the story. Haha...Yes. Just like how you're supposed to drink your tea! The book is engaging as it manages to bring you through all the answers to the questions posed in the previous books, much noticeably Order of the Phoenix. And I love the bit about the Horcruxes. Tsk tsk. And to think Dumbledore died for nothing. Just because someone had already taken the real Horcrux! What the!! I was so sad when I read about the bit about Dumbledore dropping off the side and down to the bottom. Not forgetting that it was Snape who killed him. UGH.

Oh. The bit about Harry and Ginny was nice to know too! Haha...Considering Ginny had already had a crush on him ever since he set foot into the Burrow. Haha!

Now on to Madame Bovary, for more serious reading. And incidentally, it's one of the set literature texts for the French A level. My friend has chosen it for the exam and she's going to read the original french version. Can everyone please gasp audibly at the count of three. The language is rather advanced already considering it's in English. I can't imagine reading the french one! But oh well. Brave souls are all around us. I applaud your effort, Georgia! =)) Good going!


Tomorrow, I will mug. I must mug.

Ok. If that sounded anything like a resolution.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Never say goodbye.

I think nothing sums it up better than the chinese proverb that goes tian xia wu bu san zhi yan xi. Chinese has never been my forte, admittedly, but I think that it can express extremely complex ideas very elegantly in just a few characters. Amazing. The fact that I can't exactly speak fluent mandarin is irrelevant. =P

Back to the issue. Xinying left for England today. That's like God-knows-how-many-miles away! Sigh. I thought we could stay as a class and meet up regularly, even after we graduated from that hellhole. Ok...perhaps it wasn't that bad, but still, it hit me real hard how often we will be able to meet in the future. People will get jobs, have kids (*gasp* I don't think just after ten years, right? *gasp*) and some people in the class will inevitably be overseas, pursuing their dreams. We met up as a class (ok. Just 15 of us.) at King Albert Park the other day to give a quasi-farewell party to Shining, who happens to be living for Saskatchewan in Canada. I don't even know whether I got the spelling right on that one! I still remember she had to pronounce the name of the place like 3 friggin' times before I made sense of it. Yes...it's some ulu province in Canada. =)) Sigh. Another person who's going to be so far away. How many more will there be left after ten years?

"In ten years' time, let's go to venice as a class!" - Elgina

Yes. I hope so.


Random thought of the day

"That must be Korean airlines or something, judging from their appearance."

*a few moments later...after more airstewardess passed by*

"Maybe it's Phillipines."

-Courtesy of our dearest 4C class chairperson (see how politically right I am?), Shumay


I've been so random throughout the whole day I'm scaring myself. ARGH. And I have bad hair. Double ARGH. And I listened to "If your Heart's Not in it" on the bus on the way home from the airport. Triple ARGH.

I think I just died from all that triggers.